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Research On Sontag Against-interpretation

Posted on:2016-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330464956689Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is based on post-modernism and cultural background, researching the occurrence and development of Against Interpretation theory, and on this basis, thinking toward theoretical development problems. Against Interpretation was first explicitly proposed as a theoretical slogan in 1966, the famous American literary critic Susan Sontag published the corpus Against Interpretation, this anthology covers a lot of single articles of theoretical and claims against interpretation made from different aspects in detail. In this paper, on the basis of previous studies to Sontag’s Against Interpretation Centre to undertake point theory, the retrospective transition from interpretation to Against Interpretation, under the open the thinking of Against Interpretation theory development direction.Firstly, the overall analysis of the theoretical background against interpretation, describes its postmodern cultural context and shift from the modern interpretation to postmodern Against Interpretation. Since the 1960 s, the post-modern theorists critique of modernity initiated in the counter-culture trend occurring phenomena such as the United States, are affected to varying degrees of Against Interpretation. Then discuss development of the theory, the confluence of its qualities and deconstruction theory. Susan Sontag in the postmodern theorists, based on clearly against interpretation of slogans against interpretation raised to the level of theory, advocated the collapse of the depth of feelings in order to achieve the direct surface of things, to break the established cultural values, and initiated a new sensibility the theoretical proposition rebellious spirit with a distinctive character and radical interpretation of traditional culture. The third chapter of Sontag’s Against Interpretation proposition did explain, in the analysis of the content and advocate against interpretation theory, summarized the theory against interpretation features. Against Interpretation think postmodern theory as the theoretical system of a unique theory, postmodern thinking, its opposition to the traditional way of speaking hermeneutics, the theory should be returned to the postmodern hermeneutics system. Meanwhile, from the perspective of the recipient, against interpretation theory is a kind of post-modern aesthetic theory accepted. After a comprehensive analysis of the theory against interpretation features, from the perspective of dialectical thinking start to raise objections to explain the theory of errors and biases. Finally, combined with today’s theoretical studies of cultural context and cultural studies turn, the article think the direction of against interpretation theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Post-modernism, Interpretation, Against-Interpretation, Sontag, Characteristic, Direction
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