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On Deleuze's Kant-Interpretation

Posted on:2011-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305450663Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deleuze is a famous philosopher in contemporary French. The book-Kant's Critical Philosophy is a classic of his about the interpretation of Kant's thought. This article discusses Deleuze's criticizing, inheriting and developing of Kant's thought by his Kant-Interpretation. Thus we can understand the inner intension and relation of modernism and post-modernism. At the same time we can also see the richness, bewilderment, contradiction and outlet of man.In chapter one, I introduce Deleuze's Kant-Interpretation on the Reason and Faculty of Reason in his Kant's Critical Philosophy. He thought that Reason has three Faculties:Imagination, Understanding and Reason, each of which has a different role in the famous three books of critical philosophy. In the Critique of Pure Reason, Deleuze gave priority to Understanding. In order to realize the legislation of nature, he thought that the role of Imagination is to connect Intuition with Understanding and Reason is only a guide. In the Critique of Practical Reason, Deleuze declared that Practical Reason legislates over free beings and Understanding only plays a role as a type. In the Critique of Judgement, none of the three Faculties has a dominant role and legislative power. On the contrary, all the Faculties are in a free harmony. Namely they seem to have a purpose,but in fact they haven't a certain one. From all the above, we can conclude that man is the ultimate aim. But as a man of freedom, we must exert freedom by sense. Thus Faculties of Reason perform themselves well and eventually Reason is carrid out in society by the invasion of each other of Faculties.In chapter two, I have discussed the effect of Deleuze's Kant-Interpretation on his own philosophy. Firstly, Deleuze's aesthetics was influenced by his Kant-Interpretation. Enlightened by aesthetics in Kant's Critique of Judgement, Deleuze thought his original concept as a mediated relation of different domains. For example, Deleuze's concept of sense developed from aesthetics of Kant. Secondly, Deleuze's Different Philosophy was also influenced by Kant's philosophy. Not only Deleuze's a prior empiricism but also Deleuze's a prior time was influenced by Kant's a prior philosophy. Then I sum up the similarities and differences of Kant's and Deleuze's thoughts.In chapter three, I compare Deleuze's interpretation with other thinkers'. Compared with Hegel's interpretation, as though Hegel is a rationalist, they also have similarities in system and jumping-off point of interpretation. Of cource they have different focuses and essential factors etc, from where we can see that modernist intensely contrast with post-modernist. Compared with Heidegger's interpretation, they all respond to modernity. But Heidegger gave an interpretation of Kant philosophy closer to his own philosophy of existence than to Kant's. Thus there are differences in their understanding. So we can see the relation of their thoughts is complicated. Deleuze's interpretation has many view of points in common with Lyotard's, who is another representation of post-modernist. For example, they are all influenced by the idea of Kant. But there are many differences in their understanding because of their distinct interests.In conclusion, I proclaim that Deleuze gave Kant's philosophy a penetrating interpretation, through which we can understand the inner intension and relation of modernism and postmodernism. Meanwhile, this indicates that they interpretate and answer their contemporary problems by innovating and inheriting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kant, Reason, Faculty, Modernism, Post-modernism
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