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Wu Jiansi Theses On Du Fu’s Poems

Posted on:2016-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330464952476Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Du Fu, a prominent poet in the history of Chinese classical poetry for his well-inherited its great tradition, has played a profound impact on the later poets. Studies on Du Fu have began since the notion that Du Fu’s poems carried on the great tradition of his prior generations, which was put forward by Yuan Zhen, a reputed poet in Tang Dynasty. Generally speaking, there are two waves of studies on Du Fu’s poems: the appearance of the different versions of notes to Du Fu’s poems in Song Dynasty; the wide-spread researches carried out on Du Fu’s poems and their subsequent fruitful results both in quantity and quality prompt a unprecedented peak in late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. During this period there have been many excellent Du Fu note this, as Sheng tan’s “Du Fu solution,” Qian, “Qian Zhu Du Shi” Heling Zhu “Du Fu series of note”, appearing as Huang Sheng, “Du Fu said” Wu Zhan Thai“Du Fu feeds”, Qiu Zhao Ao “Du Fu Oppression” and so achieved a higher achievement. Summed together, so many researchers and their work, basically not a “Release Code”, “textual” and “drawing something”, “find things” category, only to see Wu thinking, “Du Fu’s paper” is not a such, and its unique look special stand Du Fu Lam Research. In the research, the research methods of the popular literary Comment force Qing study, Research force Wu’s monarch fragmented, textual criticism congregation refreshing. The most prominent feature structure Wu Jian Si Comment think poetry is good at multi-level parsing poetry, and large rules and layout, small words and sentences, there are detailed reviews, people learn to read and comprehend the profound poetry of Du Fu artistic beneficial. This paper focuses on the research, "Du Fu paper" from the following aspects:Du an overview, Wu Jiansi and approved;First, from the study of Wu Jiansi’s life and family learning, discusses Wu thinking batch Du characteristics; secondly from the Ming and Qing Dynasties era background, to explore Theses on Du Fu’s Poems; Finally, “Du Fu’s paper” writing process and style characteristics, in order to better interpret "Du Fu’s paper" laying the groundwork.Second, Poetry ideas on Theses on Du Fu’s Poems.Poetry ideas constitutes the fundamental item of Theses on Du Fu’s poems. Wu Jiansi sets a special chapter to discuss the laws of poetry and comment on art of composition, sentences and words in Theses on Du Fu’s Poems. There are explanation on paragraph of nearly one hundred rhymes and discussion of the meaning of suite poem separately. Wu also eulogizes the elegance and novelty of Du Fu’s poem and points reveal both the exquisite excellence of Du Fu’s language art and Wu’s unique opinions on art.Third “Du Fu’s paper” The poetics criticism Features.Note Qing Qiu A in “Du Shaoling set Oppression Legend this book on Du Qing Dynasty grand Note generalize, Wu noted thinking, Du Fu’s paper according to the text Yan Yi, unlike other researchers. Wu Si Yan Yi will apply according to the text of each of the first law to Du Fu’s explanation, provide new perspectives for the study of Du Fu. In addition to focusing on the elaboration of the content of Du Fu, Wu the same emphasis on the heavy thinking of writing a whole chapter to parse context and structural relationships, with “transforms” approach to resolve the structure of Du Fu,and clear out the deeper implications of the poem.Fourth, theses on Du Fu’s Poems on Du Fu’s contribution to science Wu thinking “Du Fu’s paper” contribution to science is mainly reflected in Du Fu studies complement deficiencies; for Fu Pro e Poems in-depth exploration; and Du Fu variety of styles to explore other aspects of the row. Conclusion: Indicates at impact and shortcomings of “Du Fu thesis”.Conclusion: Toa specified influence and shortcomings Theses on Du Fu’s poems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Du Fu, Wu Jiansi, Theses on Du Fu‘s Poems, interpretation method
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