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Research On The Art Characteristics Of The"East Song-and-dance Duet" Dance

Posted on:2016-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The folk drama "song-and-dance duet" popular in Hebai, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, S haanxi and other places is well received due to its rich theme and content, lively perform ance style, vivid characters, and full-bodied folk music style. Although "song-and-dance duet" is a playlet rooted in the folk, it widely integrates multiple art forms such as dance, stringed and woodwind instruments, folk song, ballad, and opera. It is a perfect combinat ion of nomadic culture, Mongolia culture and the culture of the Central Plains. This "son g-and-dance duet" discussed in this paper belongs to "East song-and-dance duet", which is popular in Zhangjiakou City where the author is living and working, as well as Kangba o County, Zhangbei County and other places. It not only contains profound cultural conn otation, expecially the dancing part, but also shows unique charmThe "song-and-dance duet" dance performance not only highlights the rich dancing elements. Also, its dancing creation is close to life, convenient for perform, and agree wit h the dancing characteristics loved by the public. As a result, it is widely spread in the fol k and really becomes a cultural art of the folks themselves. Therefore, this paper takes th e "song-and-dance duet" dance performance characteristics as the research object and dis cusses from the following aspects:the introduction mainly discusses the topic research b ackground, purpose, research review and research methods; chapter one studies the gener ation and development process of the "song-and-dance duet"; chapter two makes analysis on the performance characteristics of the "song-and-dance duet" dance. It emphasizes on the analysis of the source and creation features of the "song-and-dance duet" dance, incl uding the movement of the hands, steps, appearance, and the use of props. Chapter three studies the innovative development of the "song-and-dance duet" dance performance art, mainly elaborating from six aspects of content innovation, talent cultivation, form innova tion, media power, and bringing forth the new through the old. The last part is the conclu sion, which makes a summary of the whole paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:"song-and-dance duet", dance, art characteristics, research
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