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Research On The Teaching Of Spoken Chinese In Kharkov National Pedagogical University

Posted on:2016-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ( D I K H T I A R E N K O Full Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461977371Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Oral speech is an important part of learning foreign language. The author thinks, that the learner who hasn’t got a habit of spoken Chinese, can’t learn Chinese properly and won’t be able to use it in the process of communication. For Ukrainian learners studying spoken Chinese is one of the most difficult tasks. In this thesis, through observing and studying the process of teaching and learning spoken Chinese in Kharkov national pedagogical university, the author points out the importance of learning spoken Chinese in the process of studying the Chinese language, points out the methodological approaches of teaching oral Chinese used by Ukrainian teachers, and emphasizes upon the importance of lessons of spoken Chinese, which is especially useful for Ukrainian students, since thus they can improve their level of Chinese spoken language.The thesis consists of five chapters:Chapter 1: Introduction: Presents the purpose and the value of the research, the objective and the methods of the research and the survey on this point. It also points out the current situation of learning spoken Chinese in Kharkov national pedagogical university.Chapter 2: About the methods of learning the second language: Presents essential currents, peculiarities of methodological approaches of studying spoken foreign language, summarizes the discovery of the author in the field of methodological approaches.Chapter 3: Observation of the process of learning spoken Chinese in Kharkov pedagogical university: Points out the choice of the objective, the object and planning, describes giving out and receiving back the materials of questionnaire design, summarizes the result of the survey.Chapter 4: Analysis and estimation: The author analyses and estimates the process of teaching and learning spoken Chinese in Kharkov national pedagogical university, including in-class activities and extracurricular activities.Chapter 5: Recommendations on the learning of spoken Chinese: In this chapter the author emphasizes upon the improving of the studying process, including the relation between teacher’s explanation and student’s activity, using language during the class, treating student’s mistakes, profits of using audio materials at the lesson. The author also points out the necessity to introduce the lesson of spoken Chinese in Kharkov national pedagogical university and use more methodological approaches to teach Ukrainian students spoken Chinese, etc.Hopefully this thesis would be useful and contribute to teaching and learning of spoken Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:methodological approach, spoken Chinese, Ukrainian learners
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