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Exploration Of Yamakawa Hayasui’s Ba Shu And Modern Education In Sichuan Province

Posted on:2016-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461486786Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ba Shu was written by Japanese scholars Yamakawa Hayasui, which talk about the journey of ba-shu area in the late Qing dynasty. From 1905 to 1906, Yamakawa Hayasui investigated ba-shu area and wrote down the travels Ba Shu which has more than 20 million words. In this work, the author shows the geographical landscape, scenic spots and historical sites along the way, the product status, social interaction and so on. It’ s a high historical value China travels.This paper will carry out overall introduction of Ba Shu, and mainly discusses the education sections of Ba Shu, which trying to explore the book in the study of the early stage of the development of modern education of ba-shu historical value. Full text has three parts:The first part is phenomenon. In the first place, to introduce the content of Ba Shu. The detailed records and visual images of the book are very important to the study of modern Sichuan. And then reviewed the research development of studies of Ba Shu. Finally, the research contents of this thesis are introduced.The second part is the main part of the thesis, which is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces basic situation of Yamakawa Hayasui and carding the contents of Ba Shu. The second chapter analyzes the influence of the Japanese modern new-style education in ba-shu area, which is discusses respectively from the Japanese teaching and the Japanese textbook. The third chapter analyzes the modern education early development situation in ba-shu area,which is divided into the aim of education, development situation and problems.The third part is the conclusion, mainly generalizes the whole thesis. It’s sure again that Ba Shu is a very useful literature in study of modern education in Sichuan province. Through analyzing the influence in Sichuan modern education by Japan, it also provides the enlightenment for today’s Chinese international education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yamakawa Hayasui, Ba Shu, the late Qing dynasty, the new education
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