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A Report On Translating Crime Prevention Through Housing Design: Policy And Practice(Chapters Five And Six)

Posted on:2016-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is a report of a translation project. The original text in this project is chapter five and chapter six from Crime Prevention Through Housing Design: Policy and Practice written by Rachel Armitage, the deputy of Applied Criminology Centre in University of Huddersfield. The book is published in 2013 when the theory of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED) has made remarkable achievements, and has become a guideline on urban planning and construction. However, the study of this theory in China is still at its early stage. This translation project is chosen with an aim to provide valuable insight for urban planning and housing design so as to minimize the vulnerability of housing to crime and ensure the safety of life and property of residents. In addition, CPTED is an unfamiliar field to the translator of this project, therefore being engaged in this translation project can expand the translator’s knowledge and also offer a great opportunity for the translator to have translation exercise.This report is divided into five parts. The first part is an introduction of the background information in China and western countries, and significance of the project. The second part is about the general information of the writer and the source text. In addition, an analysis of the source text is also given in this part. Then, in the third part, the development of functionalism and the Nord’s Function plus Loyalty mode are briefly explored. And the reason for choosing a proper translation strategy is also discussed in this chapter. The forth part as a case study mainly deals with the approaches to addressing the difficulties during the translation process, such as the translation of specialized words and long sentences. In the final part, a conclusion is made, including enlightenment and problems left to be resolved.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation report, CPTED, Function plus Loyalty, translation techniques
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