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On Cultural Diversity Issues In The Construction Of Cultural Soft Power

Posted on:2015-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330434450251Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
:Chinese cultural soft power construction faced with various problems, one difficulty is how to deal with cultural diversity. From an international perspective, both western culture especially America cultural hegemony and aggression, there are all kinds of culture of other countries and regions, including Chinese the defense or resistance. From the China inside, both as a mainstream culture, Marx culture, is also widely exists in various sub culture formed by the different national, regional, religious and traditional etc.. Therefore, China cultural soft power construction also need to handle highlights two international and domestic problems. At the international level, in the face of self proclaimed "universal value" of western culture, a strong attack, in addition to surrender this way, non Western culture whether it is positive or negative defense against, the thought is the basic cultural pluralism, that is using the theory of cultural diversity to emphasize their culture is vital and rationality. Chinese is no exception, the main idea is to emphasize the international political multi polarization, the characteristic path under the background of cultural diversity, erosion using against western hegemony, but the effect is not significant. But in China, the relationship between mainstream culture and sub culture of how many, will also be cultural diversity issues before the eyes. The people’s Republic of China after the founding of the PRC, the Marx doctrine as China new ideology core set up, so, the Marx doctrine culture will long to mainstream culture identity leading Chinese cultural ecology. At the same time, because Chinese is vast multi-ethnic and multi religious tradition long-term coexistence of countries, therefore needs a special element to guide the mainstream culture, otherwise it will be lacking spirit of cooperation. On the other hand, if the lack of multiple sub culture, will also lead to tensions between cultural groups with different interests and mainstream culture. So, in the establishment of an element and the coexistence of cultural ecology, establishing multiple sub culture survival state what is in front of the mainstream culture of the Marx doctrine, the cultural diversity of this theory to the fore.Visible from above, China in establishing cultural soft power, theory of cultural diversity has dual role conflict. At the international level, even if the expression inside our theory still adhere to socialism is advanced, but in the face of Western cultural offensive, we emphasize on culture is Chinese culture is a special cultural diversity in hand, will be advanced to the western culture, western culture is itself is universal, it is the most advanced, is other cultures should learn and transplant, this is already the cultural convergence theory. As the cultural diversity Chinese theory armed here is in a weak position. And once at the China domestic, theory of cultural diversity issues immediately apparent, because in the China home, Marx’s culture is the most advanced culture, other sub culture is more complex, but in general, in the spirit and essence are suitable for different cultural level needs to improve cultural style. Therefore, the use of cultural pluralism theory in relative rationality and adhere to the various sub culture, also recognized sub culture needs to be improved in nature, or even that the backward some sub culture. The theory of cultural diversity has a dual role conflict in the two international and domestic, the root of the intrinsic defects in the theory of Cultural Pluralism:cultural diversity in various cultural styles, each suited to their own needs as the theoretical basis, but the lack of longitudinal comparison of various cultural style, also is the lack of cultural development view. Because of the lack of development, so, in the face of claims to be the most advanced universal culture of Western cultural offensive, theory of cultural diversity can only passively. Because of the lack of development view, not aware of their own shortcomings, therefore, many in support of cultural diversity under the sub culture can not take the initiative to keep pace with the times, can not take the initiative to contact, understand and accept the mainstream culture, some dead, some stand, some abnormal development, some confrontations, coexistence of element to guide the multiple benign ecological culture has cannot set up effectively. Therefore, China cultural soft power construction of domestic tasks, how to put Marx’s advanced culture and subculture diversified property of organic unity, the coexistence of a one yuan established to guide the multiple harmonious cultural ecological system; China cultural soft power construction international mission, must be established China culture as a cultural variety in the international culture of rationality and equality, more emphasis on Marx "s culture is advanced by China culture in the international multi culture, especially in the face of advanced western culture out of disguise, efforts should be made to strengthen the advanced culture construction China, to lead the direction of world culture, thus rout of western culture hegemonism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture construction, Cultural soft power, Cultural diversity, Culturalhegemonism, Cultural ecology
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