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The Research Of Jie Hua In Southern Song Dynasty

Posted on:2015-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431990744Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sector is a traditional Chinese painting painting painting of a typical representative, is a typicalmanifestation of painting. In the circles painted historical development, through the ebb and flow ofchanging times make this a beautiful flower history preserved and developed. Sector has been much lovedby the people painting, drawing circles with its Seiko fine, rigorous and realistic way to show images, butnot rigidly adhere to the color of realism, the creative process of the artist in the use of color language cantake the initiative to create a magnificent, pure green, light Yayi of different styles. Chinese Painting fromthe original eraTo the Han Dynasty is pristine thick clumsy childish period, Wei and Jin after painting to fine precisedirection, to reach a peak in the Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties and Song this trend has reached the extreme.The late Tang Dynasty, impressionistic painting quietly born, so instead crafted artistic tradition, until theMing and Qing, impressionistic painting as painting, body painting along with community decline. Song isnot only a boom period in the history of ancient Chinese painting and painting heyday sector developmentfor the Chinese art and culture has made tremendous contributions. Song period established Hanlin paintinghomes, fame comes up, training a group of distinguished artists, leaving precious wealth of artistic andcultural heritage of China, contributed. Painting in the painting landscapes, flowers, birds, and other majorfigures are required pen colors, neat and meticulous, magnificent, rigorous composition, brilliant colors,there is a strong decorative. Such was the development of the Southern Song Dynasty painting industryflourished and occupies and important position. In the modern landscape art revolution and developmenttoday, while we can not do without real life feelings and experiences, awareness and grasp of spirit of thetimes: on the other hand is also inseparable from the spirit of traditional culture and art of ancient learningand inheritance. So my question is this anomaly from the Southern Song Dynasty painting thrivingcommunity in the Southern Song Dynasty landscape painting to study the issue.For the development and research of community can be seen in paintings, painting is a communityrepresentative painting. View of Chinese painting is the genetic history of a culture, traditional art for us isto inherit those good, weight management, and heavy personality, creating heavy, continuous mutation and leap art. In the long history of colorful art, everything has a source deep, rooted in this, but after the test oftime, into a contemporary art in order to maintain its ability to reproduce and evergreen perennial artisticcharm unbeaten. Chinese traditional culture has a very great potential and influence on the world.Excellent traditional Chinese classical painting with deep mood, originality, strong personality, for the soulof poetry, books as well as bone, its profound cultural connotations are endless expressive enough to makeChinese painting with its strong national character among the world Art of the forest, forever Jun America.Sector is a category Chinese painting is painting a very distinctive, suitable for painting buildings withmeticulous technique with other scenery, known as the "meticulous painting circles." Early draw circles,specifically refers to the pavilions as the main performance target, the performance of the method withboundary-foot stroke lead line. But over time, the meaning of the painting industry has undergone somechanges, extended to a broad sense, including the palace, artifacts, travel and so on. Early forms of circlespainted in varying degrees draws portraits and landscape creation methods, and design of the building.However, with the development of painting circles, all sectors of society continue to be welcomed andloved, many artists would like brilliant brush to work tirelessly to depict palace of luxury. However, Yuan,Ming and Qing generations and because the impact of being drawn scholars and has been depressed. Untilthe artistic value of modern industry gradually and slowly draw people to be recognized. Analysis of dataon the impact of this sector was able to draw up more, many from multiple angles to analyze contemporarymasters, study it, so that we can better inherit the fine traditions of our ancestors.
Keywords/Search Tags:southern song dynasty, jie hua, research, feature, space and perspective
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