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The Veritism And Aesthetic Significance Of Hamlin Garland’s Novels

Posted on:2015-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M JinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hamlin Garland was a famous Native writer of America. As a novelist with great consciousness and strong local characteristics, he made tremendous contributions to the formation of American national literature owing to his artistic thoughts and literary practice, In order to objectively reflect the reality and reveal the truth of life, Garland pioneered the creative method of "Veritism" emphasizing the impression of instant emotion. His masterpiece "Main-Travelled Roads" insisted on describing the real situation of Midwest rural areas by using the "Veritism", as well as expressed the great humanistic concern and deep thinking about the changes that had taken place between urban and rural areas. This article aims to explore the "Veritism" and aesthetic significance of Garland’s novels through analyzing the text and characters of "Main-Travelled Roads". What’s more, with the hope of regarding it as a future reference, the article deepen the understanding and awareness of people’s complicated life during the period of social change, as well as for a better reflection of the urban-rural modernization in China at present.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hamlin Garland, American rural novel, Veritism, Aesthetic significance
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