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Report On The English Translation Of Speeches At The9th China-ASEAN Business And Investment Summit

Posted on:2015-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431958622Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is based on Speeches at the9th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, a translation project I did during my field experience at China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Secretariat in2013. As a proposal made by H.E. Wen Jiabao at the7th China-ASEAN(10+1) Summit in October, China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit has held with full success for ten consecutive years in Nanning—the permanent home of China-ASEAN EXPO.As a practice report aiming to study official speeches, this report describes the "translation preparation" followed by a brief introduction to the translation project as a way to show the importance of " translation preparation". At the stage of "case study", this report analyses some typical cases with available approaches of translation. In this report, the author mainly analyses the application of cohesive devices in translation and the translation of Chinese paratactic sentences and non-subjected sentences.Through the project description and case study, it shows that translators should have a better understanding of both the source language and the target language. That is how can we make the translation faithful to the source language with clear expression and suitable style, or how can we approach the criteria of "faithfulness","expressiveness" and "elegance" put forward by Chinese translator Yan Fu as well as the three principles of Tytler. What’s more, translators should also pay attention to political elements in the text. From the author’s view, there is no occurrence of national interests in the text, but translators should state their position first. For the political and economic terms in the text, it is better to use the version widely approved by the international community. Besides, translators should have a better understanding of the content with acute political sense. It is also noteworthy that translators should adopt various translation skills and methods to improve the translation quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, preparation, case study
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