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On Rational Decision-making And Limited Rational Decision-making Under The Perspective Of Arts Management

Posted on:2015-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Arts management decision-making is one of the most important elements in artsmanagement. This thesis, from the perspective of arts management, studies therational decision-making and limited rational decision-making in arts management. Itcombines the general decision theory technologies and the arts management practicalproblems, so as to study the characteristics of arts management decision-making.This thesis applies documentary research, deductive method and comparativestudy, discussing from five aspects. This thesis begins with the aim, significance,method, design of the research, then carries on the literature review based on relatedresearches. The first chapter discusses the related knowledge of decision-making andarts management decision-making, then analyzes the concept of decision-making, themain types of arts management decision-making and the three characteristics of theobjective of arts management decision-making. The second chapter discusses therational arts management decision-making, and introduces the related knowledge ofrational decision-making theory. It mainly focuses on the application of quantitativedecision-making technology in arts management practical problems.The third chapterdiscusses the arts management decision-making based on limited rationality. It alsointroduces the representative theories of limited rational decision-making theory andanalyzes the affecting factors of arts management decision-making and the cognitivebias factors of arts management decision makers. The fourth chapter analyzes the artsmanagement decision-making process, and put forward several suggestions on artsmanagement decision-making.This thesis suggests that arts management decision-making should pursuerational decision under the limited rational decision-making framework. The decisionmakers should not only realize the various affecting factors of decision-making andthe cognitive bias factors of decision makers, but also pay attention to the significantrole of rational, quantitative decision-making techniques playing in thedecision-making analysis. The author expects to, through this thesis, perfect the theoretical system of arts management, and at the same time provide theoreticalsupport to practical arts management decision-making activities...
Keywords/Search Tags:Arts Management Decision-making, Rational Decision-making, Limited Rational Decision-making
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