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Influence Of Meibomain Gland Dysfunction On Visual Acuity In Eyes After Phacoemulsification

Posted on:2017-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G G JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose To assess the influence whether patient with meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD) preoperative and the severity of MGD on the quality of the vision after phacoemulsification.Methods Prospective clinical study.According to whether the patients with preoperative MGD and the severity of the MGD,it was divided into three groups:A group(35 eyes,28 patients) were withnot MGD,B group(35 eyes,26 patients) were with mild MGD,C group(35 eyes,28 patients) were with moderate MGD.Postoperative follow-up 1 day、1 week、1 month、≥3 month(3.44±0.44 month),collect and record uncorreted distance visual acuity(UDVA)、under 3mm pupil diameter,High order aberration(HO Total)、Coma、Spherical、Trefoil、 Visual quality satisfaction questionnaire、tear break up time.Results 1) 1 day after operation,There were no significant differences in UDVA、HO Total、Comal、Spherical、Trefoil、Visual quality satisfaction betweenA and B group、A and C group、B and C group.2) 1 week after operation, There were significant differences in HO Total、Coma、Trefoil (P<0.05),but no in UDVA、Spherical、Visual quality satisfaction between A and B group、A and C group.And there were no significant differences in UDVA、HO Total、Coma、 Spherical、Trefoil、Visual quality satisfaction between B and C group.3)1 month after operative, There were significant differences in Coma (P<0.05),but no in UDVA、HO Total、Spherical、Trefoil、Visual quality satisfaction between A and B group、A and C group.And there were no significant differences in UDVA、 HO Total、Coma、Spherical、Trefoil、Visual quality satisfaction between B and C group.4)≥3 month after operative, there were significant differences in HO Total、Trefoil(P<0.05), but no in UDVA、Coma、Spherical between A and B group、A and C group、B and C group.5) The correlation between tear break up time and the visual quality of MGD patients(B and C group):≥3 month, HO Total、Trefoil were correlated negatively with tear break up time(P<0.05),but Coma、Spherical were no correlated with tear break up time;and HO Total、 Coma、Spherical、Trefoil did not show significant correlations with tear break up time in 1 day、1 weeks、1month.8)The regression analysis between visual quality and the severity of MGD:≥3 month, HO Total、Trefoil were regression with the severity of MGD(P<0.05), but Coma、Spherical were no regression with the severity of MGD; and HO Total、Coma、Spherical、Trefoil did not show significant regression with the severity of MGD in 1 day、1 weeks、1month.Conclusion 1)Visual quality after operative in preoperative patients withnot MGD is better than that in preoperative patients with MGD.2)≥ 3months after operative, visual quality is correlated positively with tear film stability.3)≥3months after operative, visual quality is regression negatively with the severity of MGD.
Keywords/Search Tags:meibomian gland dysfunction, phacoemulsification, visual quality, tear break-up time, correlation analysis, regression analysis
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