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Research On Euthanasia Under The Perspective Of Ethics

Posted on:2017-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShiFull Text:PDF
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Along with the improvement of the quality of life in modern society as well as the change of the concept of life and death after the improvement of people’s material life condition, euthanasia, a way of ending the life of the patients in the endangered state as no possible cure, is gradually being recognized by the society. At present, there are some countries or regions in the world in the legal and medical permission of the existence of euthanasia. But in order to avoid possible ethical and legal risks, the execution conditions of euthanasia are very strict. Because our country is influenced deeply by the traditional culture and medical conditions and social security system are at a lower level as well as legal construction process is slow, the research on euthanasia has been stuck at the theoretical level and practical level of research is even more difficult. Therefore, this article tries to find a feasible way to the development of euthanasia in our country from the angle of ethics.This paper, using the literature research method and the comparison method, analyzes the issue of euthanasia from the perspective of ethics objectively and in detail. Firstly, this paper introduces the purpose and significance of the topic selection of euthanasia from the perspective of ethics, analyzes the current situation of domestic and foreign research on this topic, summarizes the main research methods and puts forward the theoretical innovation of this paper. Secondly, the definition and classification of euthanasia are described systematically. From different point of view, it is divided into active euthanasia and passive euthanasia, voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia and overview of the development of a country and outside the system are analyzed systematically. Then, the emphasis is put on the analysis of the ethical dilemma of the implementation of euthanasia in our country from the layers of life ethics, medical ethics and family ethics: the dilemma of life ethics is mainly manifested in the conflict between the traditional view of life and death and euthanasia. In essence, it’s the debate on the sacred of life and the quality of life; the dilemma of medical ethics lies in the conflict between the traditional medical philosophy and euthanasia. In essence, it’s the detachment of theory and practice. The dilemma of family ethics is mainly reflected in the conflict between the traditional family ethics and euthanasia. It’s the opposite of emotion and reason. At last, in view of the above problems, the ethical way out for the implementation of euthanasia in our country is put forward, which emphasizes the establishment of the ethical principles of euthanasia, including the principles of humanitarian, beneficial and harmless, independent respect and at the same time to build the system to ensure the implementation of euthanasia. That is to make euthanasia laws and regulations, establish the standard of euthanasia and standardize the implementation procedure of euthanasia. And as a basis for this, we make efforts to further improve the moral quality of euthanasia participants. We should not only regulate the moral behavior of euthanasia participants, but also establish the moral conscience of the participants of euthanasia in order to achieve the ultimate realization of euthanasia in our country to implement the purpose.
Keywords/Search Tags:euthanasia, the dilemma of ethics, ethical way
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