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The Inheritance And Development Of "Saving Fluid" Of"Wenbing Tiaobian" From "Shanghan Lun"

Posted on:2015-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467980596Subject:TCM clinical basis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose:From the perspective of saving fluid, this thesis systematically analyses how Wenbing Tiaobian inherits and improves based on Shanghan Lun, so to better understanding the present by reviewing the past.Methods:This thesis adopts the way of studying TCM documentation. By gathering and analyze of the relative studies of the two books mentioned above, the thesis summarizes the main thoughts of expulsing pathogen and nourishing Yin-fluid, in order to reveal the inheritance and development of "Saving Fluid"Results:By studying relative contents of "Saving Fluid" between Wenbing Tiaobian and Shanghan Lun, It can be found that the idea of "Saving Fluid" is germinated in Huangdi Neijing, formed in Shanghan Lun and matured in Wenbing Tiaobian. The idea of "Saving Fluid" of Wenbing Tiaobian is derive from Shanghan Lun in expulsing pathogen and nourishing Yin-fluid. It guided by Sanjiao theory, developed several treatments and fulfilled the theories.Conclusion:The study of this thesis basically clarifies that the ideas of expulsing pathogen and nourishing Yin-fluid in Wenbing Tiaobian are closely relate to idea of the "Saving Fluid" in Shanghan Lun. It proves that there are innovations and developments in theories, treatments and prescriptions in Wenbing Tiaobian and it mostly originates from Shanghan Lun. The author Wu Jutong, created Sanjiao theory which opened a new page in the history of Saving Yin-fluid theory by phases. Thus, a relatively complete theory system comes into being.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wenbing Tiaobian, Shanghan Lun, Saving fluid, inherence
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