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Investigation On Cognitive Status Of Puerperal Health Care Knowledge Of The Parturient

Posted on:2015-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467953683Subject:Public Health
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObjectivesTo learn the cognition of related knowledge of health care of puerperal women inChangchun city with the questionnaire, we explore puerperal women postpartumself-care knowledge cognitive errors and their causes. Therefore, the study mightprovide valuable data for the development of relevant postpartum healthcountermeasures.MethodsPuerperal women were investigated with the questionnair by the investigators(nurse) who were unified trained from December2013to June2014in Changchunmaternity hospital.The questionnaire survey adopt EPIDATA3.0and SPSS20.0toanalyze the data. The statistical description, comparison and correlation analysis isused to describe the general social demographic characteristics of puerperal women,the way of parturition, the care knowledge of puerperium (nutrition diet, activityand rest, health and environmental health, sexual knowledge, postpartum diseases,breast nursing measures and breastfeeding, newborn care, etc) and so on.Results(1)The general conditions: the research had investigated402women inpuerperium, there were396valid questionnaires, effective rate of questionnaires was98.5%.The proportion of18~25years old puerpera in396cases was26.0%(130/396), and the25to30years old accounted for34.6%(137/396), the30to35years old accounted for23.7%(94/396),35~40years old accounted for10.9%(43/396), the puerpera over40years old accounted for4.8%(19/396), the proportionof puerperal women between25to30years old is the highest; In terms of level ofeducation, the elementary school level of puerperal women accounted for5.6%(22/396), secondary school level accounted for12.6%(50/396), technical secondaryschool level accounted for23.7%(94/396), tertiary level accounted for25.5%(101/396), the university level accounted for22.7%(90/396), a master’s degree orabove accounted for9.8%(39/396), most of the subjects are college and universityculture level; In terms of family per capita income,1000-1500yuan level of puerperalwomen accounted for13.4%(53/396),1500-3000yuan level of puerperal women accounted for31.1%(123/396),3000-4500yuan level of puerperal women accountedfor31.3%(124/396),4500yuan or above the level of puerperal women accounted for24.2%(96/396), family per capita monthly income of RMB3000-4500of puerperalwomen were the most; Among respondents, natural birth puerpera were246,accounting for62.1%; Primipara were292, accounting for73.7%(2)Cognitive situation of self-care knowledge of puerperal women: the degree ofcare knowledge cognition of396cases of puerperal women in puerperium is abovethe middle level, the total points of care knowledge were17.48±3.58. The order inself-care awareness of related problems from high to low is: nutrition diet (67.9%),sexual knowledge (65.4%), activity and the rest (57.8%), breast nursing measures andbreastfeeding (57.7%), health and environmental health (54.8%), neonatal nursing(52.8%) and postpartum common diseases (52.5%). In breast nursing measures andbreastfeeding problem,only37.9%of respondents think the baby should contain theareola when breastfed, it had the lowest cognitive rate, and other three respects alsohad lower cognitive rate: change a diaper after breastfed, early ambulation as soon aspossible and every day should clean genital.The proportion is39.6%,43.9%and48.7%, respectively.(3) The comparison in the health care knowledge score among differentcharacteristics of puerperal women: dietary and nutrition score of different culturedegree of puerperal women had statistical significance (P <0.05), while there was nostatistically significant difference about age and family income per capita (χ2=6.114,P=0.191; χ2=7.268, P=0.064). According to the results of the Spearman rankcorrelation, rs culture=0.612, P <0.05, the difference is statistically significant, whichcan be considered that there is a positive correlation relationship between culturaldegree and nutrition and dietary score. The scores of activity and rest dimension ofpuerperal women with different ages, different educational and different family percapita monthly income had no statistical significance (χ2=3.056, P=0.549; χ2=4.723, P=0.451; χ2=6.016, P=0.109).Health and environment health knowledgescores of puerperal women with different ages had no statistical significance (χ2=7.443, P=0.114), There were significant differences in different culture degree and thefamily per capita (P <0.05), according to the results of the Spearman rank correlationdegree,rs culture=0.140, P <0.05, rs per capita income=0.128, P <0.05, differences were statistically significant, it can be considered that there is a positive correlationrelationship between health and environmental health scores and culture degree andfamily income per capita. Scores of sexual knowledge in puerperal women’s indifferent ages (χ2=7.633, P=0.106), different cultural degree (χ2=7.264, P=7.264) and different family income per capita (χ2=2.259, P=2.259) were nostatistical difference (P>0.05). The age (χ2=6.767, P=0.149), level of education(χ2=2.075, P=2.075) and the average family income per capita (χ2=2.824, P=2.824) had no statistical significance (P>0.05) in the postpartum diseases knowledge.There was statistically significant between different culture degree and differentfamily income per capita among puerperal women (P <0.05) in breast nursingmeasures and breastfeeding scores, but no statistically significant difference in age(χ2=3.120, P=3.120), however, the Spearman rank correlation test found that age,culture degree and family income per capita had no correlation with the scores. Therewere no statistically significant in neonatal care knowledge scores among puerperalwomen in different age (χ2=1.321, P=0.858), level of education (χ2=2.446, P=2.446) and family per capita income (χ2=2.903, P=2.903).Conclusions(1)Women’s health care knowledge of cognitive degree at the stage ofpuerperium in this hospital come to the middle and upper level, among which thedietary nutrition, activity and rest, health and environmental health, sexual knowledge,puerperous common disease, breast nursing measures,breast-feeding and neonatalnursing and other aspects have certain cognitive errors.(2)Due to cultural degree and puerperal women’s knowledge of the dietarynutrition, health and environmental health were positively correlated and the averagemonthly household income and puerperal women’s health and environmental healthknowledge were positively correlated. The puerperal women’s educational level andhousehold capita monthly income had a certain influence on knowledgable conditionof the self health care and child-rearing knowledge.(3)Strengthening the knowledge popularization of puerperal’s self health care andchild-rearing for the medical persons, which is beneficial to puerperal’s healthrecovery and baby ’s health growth. In view of puerperal’s misconceptions of healthcare knowledge in puerperium, the risks of women’s misconceptions about puerperal knowledge are reduced to the maximum extent by carrying out health education andthe well-directed guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Puerperium, health care knowledge, cognitive errors
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