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Based On The Wu Yun Liu Qi Theory And Chang Chun Region Sixty Years Meteorological Data To Research Liu Qi Time Quadrant

Posted on:2015-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467951086Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose: According to the theory of Wuyuniuqi and sixty years of meteorological datain Changchun, research on the theory of Liuqi and the relevant time period within mainmeteorological characteristics, explore research methods theories of modern and naturalscience background about the theory of Liuqi.Method:①The starting time of Liuqi, establish Dahan and Lichun two group modelbased on average temperature data, reference to the theory of Liuqi, compare two sets of datawith the Mann-whitney U test, finally select the reference point to comparative analysis thefist day of Greater Cold and Beginning of Spring.②The relation of Liuqi and meteorologicalfactors, based on average temperature, precipitation, average vapor pressure, average relativehumidity, average wind speed data, reference to the theory of Liuqi, divided into Chuzhiqi,Erzhiqi, Sanzhiqi, Sizhiqi, Wuzhiqi, Zhongzhiqi of six sets of data according to the Liuqi timezone,to analysis each meteorological factors by One-Way ANOVA, Significant differences ineach group of data from the P value, Analysis of mean line chart.③By using the methodof linear correlation analysis of meteorological data to demonstrate Da Si Tian. To observe therelationship between time and average temperature, precipitation, average vapor pressure,average relative humidity, average wind speed data. To determine the linear correlationfromthe P value, the positive and negative correlation from the R value.Result:①Through the Mann-whitney U test analysis, there was a significant differencebetween the groups Greater Cold and Beginning of Spring, the reference point is distributedmainly in the near Greater Cold Day, deviate from Beginning of Spring Day.②There weresignificant differences between the groups in the meteorological factors, the mean line graphdisplay, the meteorological factors consistent with Liuqi reservoir characteristics except theaverage wind speed.③There is a linear correlation is between time and daily averagetemperature, average wind speed, average relative humidity. The temperature is rising year byyear, wind speed and average relative humidity decreased.Conclusion:①Reference to the meteorological data in Changchun area, comparisonGreater Cold Day and spring day, selected Greater Cold Day for the starting time of Liuqi.②The meteorological factors exist differences in the Liuqi time rhythm, there is a certain relationship between meteorological factors and Liuqi, reflects the change of LIuqi timerhythm in the Zhuqi, One to one relationship is not obvious for each other.③There is a certainvariation rules with the meteorological factors for long time. The theory of Da Si Tian isexistence.
Keywords/Search Tags:wuyunliuq, time sequence, starting time of wuyunliuq, dasitian, nanbeizheng
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