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Research Of The Family Functioning And The Coping Solutions Of The Children In Hospital

Posted on:2016-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Objective:This thesis mainly took mental health status of parents as caregivers for thechildren in hospital as the point of penetration to make the research about the familyfunctioning and the coping solutions of the children in hospital. Through the research,the relationship between the affecting factors of the family functioning, its copingsolutions and the mental health status. This research would make the medical staffrealize that the importance of familial intervention and family health education,therefore offer available advices for family mental health care of the children patient.Method:The random sample methodology was adopted in this thesis. The research grouptook324cases of children patient parents among the four Grade iii-A General hospitalin Changchun city from June,2014to November,2014. Control group which consistof221cases was selected from a certain kindergarten and primary school. Theresearchers launched the questionnaire survey with self-made survey consist of thefollowing content: General Information Questionnaires, Family Assessment Device(FAD), Family relationship Device, CHIP. The entire questionnaires were logged intotwo PC through the EpiData3.02to form the data base for the research. The data wasanalyzed through the SPSS17.0. And the general information results would be under thedescriptive statistical analysis from aspects of frequency, percentage, means andstandard deviation while the measurement data would be under the T Inspect, varianceanalysis and non-parametric test. And the affecting factors will be under the multiplestepwise regression analysis. The Pearson analysis and related analysis was adopted toanalyze the relevance of the family function and the coping solutions of the childrenin hospitalization.Results:1. The family functioning of the children in hospital was less effective than the healthy children family. Hospitalized children with family functioning scores asfollows: Problem sloving(2.07±0.47), Communication(2.62±0.73), Roles(2.53±0.46),Affective Responsiveness (2.62±0.56), Affective Involvement(2.51±0.62), BehaviorControl(2.33±0.57), General Functioning(2.36±0.49), Among them, Communicationand Affective Responsiveness were the highest. Healthy children family functioningscores as follows: Problem sloving (1.95±0.45), Communication (1.91±0.53), Roles(2.06±0.44), Affective Responsiveness(1.96±0.44), Affective Involvement(1.96±0.49),Behavior Control (1.81±0.48), General Functioning (1.90±0.43).2. The following factors: children patients’ age, children number in a family,medical diagnose results, hospitalization period, patients’ condition, the standard ofculture of the tenders, career conditions, family address, monthly family income,family structure are of statistical meaning for the family function deviation. Throughthe multiple stepwise regression analysis, children patients’ age, children number in afamily, patients’ condition, family income and family structure has the most influenceon the family function of the children patient.3.The following factors: children patients’ age, children number in a family,medical diagnose results, hospitalization period, patients’ condition, the standard ofculture of the tenders, career conditions, family address, monthly family income,family structure are of statistical meaning for the family function deviation. Throughthe multiple stepwise regression analysis, children number in one family, medicaldiagnose results, family address and family structure has the most influence on thecoping ways of the children patients.4, Children patient family, family relationship and its coping solutions are highlyrelevance. The total score for family functioning and coping solutions are allnegatively correlated(P <0.05). The total score for family relationships and copingsolutions are all positive correlated(P <0.01).Conclusion:1. The family functioning of children in hospital is less effective than the healthones in Changchun city. The family relationship is harmony.2. The family functioning of children in hospital can be affected by many factors,among which the most important is the patient children age and children number,patients’ condition, family income, family structure and family relationship. 3. The positive coping solutions are highly related to the children number,medical diagnose results, family address, family structure.4, Te coping solutions are highly related to the family functioning. This thesisshows that the more perfect the family functioning is the more positive the copingsolution is. The family relationship is positive related to the coping solutions. Themore harmony the relationship is the more positive the coping solution is.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children, Family functioning, Coping solutions, Affecting factors, Relevance
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