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Application Of TCT Combined With Vaginoscopy In Rural Women’s Cervical Carcinoma Screening

Posted on:2016-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To investigate the clinical application value of Thinprep Cytologic Test(TCT) combined with histopathological examination under vaginoscopy in the cervical car cinoma screening of rural women。Methods: A total of 4099 rural women aged 35-64 years from May 2013 to May 2014 were collected. The women were divided into group A and group B. The 2056 women in group A were received TCT combined with traditional four spots biopsy. And the 2043 women in group B were received TCT combined with biopsy under vaginoscopy.57 women in group A were diagnosed as positive cytological. The diagnosis rate was 2.77%. The women with positive cytoloical results were then examined by traditional four spots biopsy. 16 cases were abnormal, accounted for 28.07%.Among them,8 cases were CIN I(14.04%),5 cases were CIN II(8.77%),3 cases were CIN III(5.26%). 47 women in group B were diagnosed as positive cytological.The diagnosis rate was 2.30%. The women with positive cytoloical results were then examined by vaginoscopy and finally diagnosed by histopathology. 22 cases were abnormal, accounted for 46.81%.Among them,10 cases were CIN I(21.28%),6 cases were CIN II(12.77%),4 cases were CIN III(8.51%),2cases were Cervical squamous cell carcinoma.Results : No differences showd in the cervical positive cytoloical detection rate between the two groups(P>0.05). To compare TCT combined with histological biopsy taken by vaginoscopy with the traditional four spots biopsy,the former one improves the detection rate of cervical carcinoma and cervical precancerous lesion. There were exremely sigrificant differences between them(P<0.05).Conclusion:Thinprep Cytologic Test(TCT) combined with vaginoscopy applied in the cervical carcinoma screening of rural women can increase the detection rate of cervical carcinoma and cervical precancerous lesion,which is suitable for the screening of cervical carcinoma and cervical precancerous lesion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thinprep Cytologic Test, Vaginoscopy, Histopathology, Cervical carcinoma
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