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The Current Situation Of The Physical Quality Of Pupils In Tai’an City

Posted on:2016-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330461990116Subject:Public health
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Today’s society, people are the main social, physical fitness is a person who embodies the comprehensive ability, man’s physique is a gradual accumulation of the development process, in this process Adolescence is a critical period of physical and mental health and the physical development, growth and development of young people at different times and in different regions, there are some differences in different populations.Economic development can not only promote human physical development, but also can hinder the development of physical fitness. From the 2010 physical research students in Shandong Province (height, weight, bust) morphological development levels continue to increase; improved lung capacity; prevalence of obesity continues to rise. According to the survey, in 2013 in Shandong province’s primary and secondary schools, the proportion of obese people were as high as 19.44%.In primary school age are overweight and the increasing prevalence of obesity, and a younger age trend. Overweight and obesity is one of many cardiovascular disease risk factors, will lead to chronic non-communicable diseases in adult prevalence rises later. Therefore, primary physical health is at home and abroad has attracted many researchers attention, whether primary physical health has become a complex public health problem of great significance to the study of the physical health of students.Research purposesCurrently on the physical health of Tai’an City, little research students, in order to grasp the growth and development of Tai’an City and law students, and physical differences rural pupils urban pupils, the subject for all pupils selected body shape indices, indicators of physiological functions and related derivative index comprehensive analysis, by analyzing the results, trying to find find educational, social, family, students in physical fitness and influence in order to take a scientific and rational health interventions.Research MethodsThe issue in Tai’an City for six counties select objects using stratified cluster random sampling method in urban, rural each one separately in each counties, each primary school students as subjects in whole survey, a total of extracting six counties 12 schools, a total of 12,182 people,6522 were boys and girls 5660 people, the city 6007 people,6175 people in rural areas.All students in the school project healthy routine medical examination:heart, lung, liver, and spleen; eye examination:vision, trachoma, conjunctivitis; dental examination:dental, periodontal; surgical examination:head, neck, chest, spine, limbs, skin, lymph nodes; physical examination indicators:height, weight, bust; physiological function index tests: spirometry.Students participate in healthy people must be unified training, examination methods, physical examination record. Uniform use of the Provincial Health Department to develop a "Among Students in Shandong health examination table." Above the county level health administrative departments responsible for organizing healthy personnel training, assessment, medical personnel must be trained before induction, after passing the examination, and should wear a unified medical examination appointment card. Student health examination required medical examination equipment and testing instruments, through regular calibration and characterization metrology institute. Literature research methods and mathematical statistics were primary health examination data analysis.Currently on the physical health of Tai’an City, little research students, in order to grasp the growth and development of Tai’an City and law students, and physical differences rural pupils urban pupils, the subject for all pupils selected body shape indices, indicators of physiological functions and related derivative index comprehensive analysis, by analyzing the results, trying to find find educational, social, family, students in physical fitness and influence in order to take a scientific and rational health interventions.ResultsPupils’ Physique Tai’an City developmental level indicators continue to improve, the overall maturity of pupils male body shape better than girls,Urban development degree students body shape better than rural pupils of the same age, but there are significant differences between male and female students, and between urban and rural students,The difference was statistically significant.Tai’an City, the average height of students of different ages in between 123~145cm, boys on average between 124~146cm in height, the average height of the girls in between 123~144cm; Tai’an City, the average weight of pupils between 26~40kg, the average weight of boys between 26~40kg, the average weight of girls between 25~40kg, Bust in Tai’an City students average between 63~72cm, boys on average between 64~72cm bust, girls on average between 63~72cm bust;Physiology index of all ages FVC boys than girls, urban pupils physiology overall situation is better than rural pupils of the same age,the difference was statistically significant;Tai’an City pupils between the average lung capacity 793~1699ml, boys average lung capacity between 819~1770ml, girls on average lung capacity between 762~1604ml;Common indicators of overweight and obesity rates overall detection rate of overweight and obesity in boys than girls, urban pupils overweight and obesity were higher than rural pupils of the same age, Urban and rural boys and overweight boys was 20.77% and 17.92%, urban and rural girls overweight girls was 15.47% and 15.92%, urban and rural boys obese boys was 28.55% and 18.59%, urban girls and rural girls was overweight 17.84% and 16.51%.In order to ensure pupils’ physical health Tai’an, especially the following suggestions:government departments should strengthen the student physical health education and promotion, to promote scientific and rational way of life, sports scores in the student enrollment process and cultural studies combine;School physical education teacher should be teaching in physical education physical education for students in the course content, student exercise size, teaching feedback are rather seriously, but due to various factors and conditions, physical education teaching content exists a single, boring, boring, teacher interested students should strengthen the guidance;Strengthen family education, enable students to develop good habits, the students themselves actively studying the health benefits of some knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tai’an City, students, physique, research
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