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The Treatment Of Vertigo In Malaysia By Using Tradition Al Chinese Medicine Treated By Doctor Tan Shu Qu

Posted on:2016-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W B ( W o e i B o b H o Full Text:PDF
GTID:2284330461980638Subject:TCM clinical basis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Background:Dr. Tan Shuqu is Hongkong medical treatment Difficult miscellaneous d iseases with ease, TanZhong only with typhoid fever in golden, has its uniq ue insights in the treatment of vertigo. Malaysia is located in tropical a nd subtropical regions, mild climate and humid, so the diseaseis more comm on. Party with febrile diseases in numerous local, meet the eye everywhere. Prescription in the bitter cold Xinliang, use of prescription drugs drugs is very rare, have made the "misuse of hot fever, swallow them". Malaysia tra ditional Chinese medicine in at least one or two hundred years of histor y, traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristics of thesystem, but t he research is relatively poor. Climate characteristics in Malaysia alon e, over use of the people to drink cold drinks, blowing air and cold medici ne, should make Yang damage, and this is very common in clinical work. A car eful analysis of the Malaysia regional characteristics, local conditions and social customs and the tan in Malaysia by using effectivecure vertigo c ases, revealed by treatment based on syndrome differentiation in Malaysia hasan important clinical guidance function.Results:Through this study, TAM treatment of vertigo symptoms often through th e combination ofdialectic, and emphasizes to fill the empty, is reducing, t he Yin and yang are not vague, and that with vertigo deficiency, phlegm fir e are rare. Objective and subjective factors of multi frequency on Malaysia area damage yang. The combination of geographical features andeating habi ts in Malaysia area, using the free Tan Xin Wen tan agent, without fear of ep idemic febrile disease of local party longitudinal customs, often an agen t, two agents have beenknown. Is called a card to use medicine. Besides ac ademic attention and acquired trainingtempered congenital kidney treatmen t agent, heavy sickness.Conclusion:Tan Shuqu doctors cure vertigo, emphasizing the viscera, yin and Yang Qi Ying and Wei andcoordination between the spleen and kidney, especially t he main influence factors of vertigo. The mainland and Malaysia are separat ed by thousands of miles, but there is no prescriptionof ethnic area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tan Shuqu, Malaysia, vertigo
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