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TCM In The Context Of Modern Science

Posted on:2015-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431999046Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional Chinese medicine will eventually be replaced by modern medicine. This articlesummarizes the reasons of the existence of traditional Chinese medicine in China, by researching thetraditional science, science, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional medicine in Europe. It guides thedevelopment of the future of modern medicine in China, which has important practical significance inhelping the public to master scientific thinking method, cultivating scientific spirit and setting up thecorrect reasonable scientific value evaluation standard.The research objects of this article are traditional science, science, traditional Chinese medicine andEuropean traditional medicine. By analyzing time and space, Using the history of science, history of theworld medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine and other historical materials, the theory and therelated data, it aims to give Chinese traditional medicine in scientific logic, under the standard ofempirical,and to do a clear and accurate positioning, which Mainly centered around the characteristics ofscientific transformation mechanism, science, the characteristics of the traditional science, theory andpractice of traditional medicine, development and the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicineand medicine in several aspects, such as in central Europe. In the history of science, before the scientificmethod introduced into science, Science is called the former science, belonging experience science. Thetrait is the abstract concept of fuzzy, so as the traditional medical science, which is a part of Experiencescience. It just includes some treatment experience, which cannot be empirical tested and measured; and itssafety and efficacy is not clear. From the science of the Renaissance, after the scientific experiment methodis introduced into, Science is known as modern science. Then, scientific disciplines are schematized quickly,forming a huge and growing scientific system. At this moment, science meets the two basic characteristics,logical and empirical features. As part of a scientific system, modern medicine also has such characteristics.Why the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine exists in China? Through the regional analysis, it findout the internal causes. The first is economic reasons, there are billions of yuan attached to the traditionalChinese medicine a year and millions of labor employment. The second is political reasons, it has a greatdemand on medicine because of the huge population base. China’s modern medicine is less developed, and can’t meet the needs of China’s population. The status quo of Chinese medicines cause thegovernment’s policy unstable. It can be seen from the debate about save or waste during the period of therepublic of China and the promotion of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese and western medicine inthe new China. Again is the cause of the society, China’s long feudal society feudal culture influence isdeeply, lacking of scientific revolution and scientific enlightenment education. After the scientificrevolution in the world, the viewpoint of Chinese academy of social sciences is weak. As developed underthe farming civilization ancient traditional Chinese medicine with the characteristic of speculativephilosophy. Concepts, such as the five elements of Yin and Yang, theory that man is an integral part ofnature, the integration concept, have obvious marks of feudal society. The last is the cultural psychology,Chinese medicine and great and profound traditional culture are interweaved. Because of the confusion ofthe concepts of culture and science, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine on the lift of traditionalculture, which has social basis. Internal personals take advantage of it, unwilling to make auxiliary socialmedical status, using the doctor-patient relationship embarrassing crystallization to high, by sayingtraditional Chinese medicine is the wisdom of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, a lot of preciousheritage has not been discovered, a lot of secrets are lost. Those point of views are resonated and supportedby scholars, which are esteeming the past over the present.By analyzing the reasons of the existence of TCM, This paper tries to give the path of the Chinesemedicine eliminating gradually in China. In today’s rapid development of science, modern medicine isdeveloping with its strong vitality, meeting all kinds of difficulty in human disease treatment. It is obviousthat traditional Chinese medicine has limitations and shortcomings. However, as a small part of Chinesetraditional culture, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine cannot represent the Chinese traditionalculture, which is not all of the Chinese traditional culture. So here need special instructions, this papernegate the traditional Chinese medicine from the perspectives of science rather than the perspective ofcultural value. So this article draw the conclusion: Traditional Chinese medicine will be replaced bymodern medicine, which requires a slow digestion process, for the underserved and not developed modernmedicine. How to resolve this problem and how to gradually promote the modern medicine, which needin-depth implementation of various measures, from several aspects, multiple perspectives and multiplelevels to comprehensive. It need improve comprehensive scientific literacy and enhance the overall level of modern medicine, from policy, system arrangement, the upper of the popular science propaganda andeducation of the whole society and the increase of infrastructure and the modern medicine research. Thusgradually weakened and digestion of traditional Chinese medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional Chinese Medicine, Science, Modern Medicine
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