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The Application Of Five Elements And Six Pathogens In Modern Chinese Medicine Normal Science

Posted on:2020-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q X K E N a c h i s h o k r Full Text:PDF
GTID:2404330578470634Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern Chinese medicine has its own normal science,which inherits the medical achievements of traditional Chinese medicine,and adopts the paradigms of clinical medicine,latter enables it to carry out normal scientific activities.Influenced by the clinical medical paradigms,modern Chinese medicine tries to transform the words of the five elements and six pathogens of traditional Chinese medicine,the name and metaphor of the five elements and six pathogens.However,this transformation is faced to difficulties,which makes the application of the five elements and six pathogens in modern Chinese medicine in contradiction.In different contexts,modern Chinese medicine sometimes tries to restore the five elements and six pathogens,and sometimes has to retain them.Foucault's viewpoints about clinical medicine provides an explanation.If the objects are visible,modern Chinese medicine will restore the visible objects from the words of five elements and six pathogens,restore the visible objects in the name of the five elements and six pathogens,and then restore the visible objects in the visual metaphor of the five elements and six pathogens with the help of the visible objects restored from the name of the five elements and six pathogens.If the words of the five elements and six pathogens touch on the invisible things,then modern Chinese medicine will retain the invisible metaphor,and retain the name of the five elements and six pathogens,in order to be able to touch the invisible things again.Restorations reflect the use of clinical medicine paradigm,retentions reflect the adherence of achievements of traditional Chinese medicine,restorations and retentions existing one process at the same time,with the development of clinical medicine,there will be more and more invisible becomes visible,more and more invisible things will be restored from the words of the five elements and six pathogens,the five elements and six pathogens will be eliminate,free invisible things will base the normal science of modern Chinses medicine in future,so it can beyond the traditional Chinese medicine and clinical medicine.The paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter constructs the normal science of modern Chinese medicine,which inherits the medical achievements of traditional Chinese medicine and adopts the paradigm of clinical medicine,enabling it to carry out normal scientific activities of visualization of traditional Chinese medicine,promoting the scientific revolution of traditional Chinese medicine.The second chapter discusses how the normal science of modern Chinese medicine restores the visible objects in the words of the five elements and six pathogens.The third chapter discusses the modern Chinese medicine retains the five elements and six pathogens,clinical medicine can only see visible objects,however,traditional Chinese medicine touches visible objects which inspired by the words of the five elements and six pathogens,modern traditional Chinese medicine have to continue to use these words,in order to keep the effect of clinical operation.Finally.It is the conclusion of this paper,with the development of clinical medicine,the invisible things touched by traditional Chinese medicine will be gradually visible,the traditional Chinese medicine will eventually be eliminated in language.and the medical achievements of traditional Chinese medicine will lay the foundation for a new medicine with the help of clinical medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:five elements and six pathogens, modern Chinese medicine, seeing, words, normal science
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