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Hospital Administration Of Medical Insurance By The Management Of Selective Objectives

Posted on:2015-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431965099Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To present how the management of selective objectives is adopted inthe administration of medical care insurance in General Hospital of Shenyang MilitaryArea Command. It analyzes the role that the management of selective objectives playedin hospital administration of medical insurance, and the performance and results of theadministration of medical insurance. Finally some suggestions are put forward aboutimproving the management of selective objectives used in hospital administration.Methods:This study introduces some basic theories about management science,elaborates the management of selective objectives from its history, its development, aswell as the necessity and possibility of its application in the hospital administration ofmedical insurance. It analyzes the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and challengesof medical insurance management in the General Hospital of Shenyang Military AreaCommand, with the Medicare data in2010,2011and the first half of2012based on theSWOT method. Finally it draws the appropriate conclusions through the horizontalcomparison of the data with hospitals of the same level in the region and the verticalcomparison of the hospital historical data.Results: General Hospital of Shenyang Military Area Command has maderemarkable achievements in the management of medical insurance due to the implementof the selective objective management. By the strengthened supervision from the twoaspects—medical fee control and rational drug use, great improvements have been madein the control of the average hospitalization expenditures per time, expenses formedicine per patient, expenses for medicine per time, personal expenses paid per patient,expenses for some single diseases, drug proportion in hospital, and antibiotics usage. Conclusions: By the contrastive analyses of the index data of medical insurancefrom General Hospital of Shenyang Military Area Command before and after theiradoption of the management of selective objectives, conclusions are obtained as follows.It helps1. restrain excessive growth in medical cost;2. regulate doctors’ medicalbehaviors and strengthen their consciousness of rational drug use;3. makeimprovements both in the index of medical insurance and quality of medical care;4.alleviate the contradictions in the interest among doctors, patients and health insurers;5.provide some experience for public hospitals in the reform of medical insuranceadministration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management of selective objectives, medical insurancemanagement, medical insurance index, quality of medical care
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