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Studies On The Introduction And Cultivation Technology Of Cassava In Hunan

Posted on:2015-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330470451283Subject:Vegetable science
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Cassava is the world’s three major potato of crops,cassava root is the main food for the world’s population of over600million survival,cassava leaves can be used as animal feed and vegetable consumption. And cassava will guide strong whole construction machinery product use broader range, long industrial chain, regardless of cassava starch, alcohol, or fresh potato raw materials at home and abroad market has great prospects for development. Performance for low yield of cassava production in China, the aging of the varieties, cultural practices, severely limiting the cassava planting area and yield enhancement, thus restricting the development of cassava industry. Compared with the main planting area of cassava in China, Hunan climate changeful, low temperature, rain, humidity, and is subject to the influence of low temperature and frost, effective growth period shortened obviously. To introduce and screening of early maturity, high quality cassava varieties suitable for Hunan production, especially suitable for fresh sweet potato eat cassava varieties, cultivation techniques of related research work at the same time, is of great significance to promote the development of the cassava industry in Hunan. The results are as follows:1Screened the fresh cassava varieties which suitable for planting in HunanBy introduction experiment, initially identified "Nam-sik199" as suitable for planting in Hunan. It is processing and fresh early maturing adual-purpose is characterized by early maturity,high yield and flour, low toxicity,7-8months after planting can be harvested.In the April2012,the variety had passed registration of crop varieties in Hunan Province.Through several tests of fresh cassava varieties,According to the comprehensive performance of four fresh cassava varieties, SC9,Nam-sik199and bread cassava are high quality cassava varieties,good quality, suitable for planting in Hunan.2Effects of mulching cultivation on the growth, yields and quality of cassavaMulching cultivation can promote cassava early emergence and prolong cassava growth period;and improve plant tuber weight, thereby increasing production.The yield was2032.52kg/667m2, compared with open field cultivation(1624kg/667m2) increased25.13%,And mulching can effectively promote accumulation of dry matter and the synthesis of cassava starch.3Effects of different planting density on the growth and the yield of cassava Nam-sik199as experimental material to study five density treatment effects on growth and yield of cassava, the results show that:Various density treatment had no obvious effect on the number of tubers per plant, As the plant spacing increases, the per plant tuber weight increased. With cultural density of0.9m*1.0m, the best output of cassava was obtained.Fresh cassava yield was2303.8kg/667m2,starch production was609.59kg/667m2.4Effects of different fertilizer treatments on the growth,the yields and quality of cassavaThe experiment has been carried out to perform the fertilizer test "3414" on cassava variety Nam-sikl99.Studied the effect of different application rate of N,P and K on yield and quality of cassava.The experimental results show that:In14fertilization level processing, The weight of per plant tubers was3.38kg,with no fertilizer treatment showed hight significant differences.The highest yield of cassava was found2683.72kg/667m2,and the highest yield of cassava starch was796.05kg/667m2, when treated with T10(pure N12kg/667m2, P2O56kg/667m2, K2O15kg/667m2).The effect of single-element on yield of cassava was in order of N>K>P.The impact on the cassava starch content in the order:P> K>N. Multiple regression equation analysis revealed that the best fertilizer application was pure N18kg/667m2,P2O58.15kg/667m2,K2O15kg/667m2that resulted in highest yield (3048.71kg/667m2) of cassava.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hunan, Cassava, Introduction, Cultivation techniques
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