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Research On The Growth Strategy Of XH Pension Company

Posted on:2014-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330428484850Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With an ageing population in China further serious, the pension socialization, marketization is the trend. New pension services industry will have sprung up everywhere, promising. In a sense, future pension industry’s development will transcend other traditional services,"Silver industry" aging society will become a sunrise industry in economic development. China’s economic reform and opening up three decades has maintained rapid growth momentum, to promote the economic development of the people’s living standards improve, but with the80s the implementation of the family planning policy, currently421,621, or even821family as well Empty Nest Family the gradual increase of the changing situation, purely national welfare pension has been difficult to meet people increasingly prominent on the diverse needs of pension, this requires the government pension system innovation, policies in favor of the pension industry to support the healthy development of policies and measures, actively encourage social forces to participate in the construction of social pension system, boost the development of the pension industry.Inroads private enterprises into the pension industry, which is the inevitable result for Pension industry of market development. This requires the Government to the pension industry, standardization, legal protection for sustainable development policy, the other hand, from the perspective of long-term development, and greater need of their own that based on reality, develop in line with the development strategy of the corporate positioning, through its own innovation, enhance core competitiveness, in order to achieve corporate strategic goals established.In this paper, XH development status of pension operators were introduced, XH pension operations on industrial environment facing the company has combed, through the company’s development strategy XH pension operational analysis of the growth conditions, this paper argues that XH pension operators such big opportunity in the current crisis coexist with the big situation, only adopted an integrated strategy, full use of national and local government pension industry for the strong support in policy, relying on their own campus project has been set up hardware facilities and software services system based(specialized pension services capabilities and digitized health management capabilities), the spirit of "first made one, then development of other" purposes, do well for company top-level design of strategy development, adopted an integrated strategy as a growth strategy. In the company’s existing project start-up to a choice, be focused,"not for all, for only what use of the principle of integrating concepts share the same values, the same vision of a partner, use of resources with each other, to build the company’s core competencies and competitive advantages. Seize opportunities, leveraging the occasion to create common wealth, through integration of resources ultimately achieve their strategic goals. I hope articles for XH pension operating companies for the development of a certain significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pension service operations, Development Strategy, SWOT analysis, Competitive Analysis, Integrate
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