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Research On Gardening Thought Of Li-Yu

Posted on:2016-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q C WenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Yu, a famous writer in Qing Dynasty, which has been fulfilled in many aspects including drama, fiction, drama theory, gardening and so on. The book "Xian Qing Ou-Ji" was writen by Li-Yu is significant in the field of Chinese gardening theory. However, the current researching achievements about Li Yu’s gardening theory is relatively weak.The design of Nanjing Mustard Seed Garden Project was based on the history literature intend to recovery the history of Li Yu’s life in Nanjing. "Mustard Seed" means small. The chapter "Ju-Shi" in his book described lots of things of "Mustard Seed Garden" which does not exist now. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore and summarize Li Yu’s gardening theory which was based on the literature in history. With the practice of Nanjing Mustard Seed Garden Planning Project this paper has enriched the researching of Li Yu’s gardening theory as well.Firstly, this paper has summarized Li Yu’s character, aesthetics and other features based on the describing in literature about the building "Mustard Seed Garden".and then,with the researching of "Xian Qing Ou Ji" this paper has restored Li Yu gardening thought. Based on the describing by other writers who were in the same period and the existing researching paper about Li Yu, this paper has drawn some characteristics of Li Yu’s gardening theory. Secondly the gardening thought developed in the actual project discussed by the record of the history of the Mustard Seed Garden of first determine the known and recovery sections, then were traced to an unknown landscape gardening thought constitute inference. And the end of the paper was the method of Li Yu’s theory about the garden space, construction, water, rocks, and plants.This paper has taken the case of the Mustard Seed Garden Planning Project of Nan-Jing attempted to study Li Yu gardening thought and has applied them to the project practice and as a basis for rebuild projects. The author has expecting to provide a method of rebuild the ruined classical gardens based on the literature research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li-Yu, Xian Qing Ou Ji, Gardening thought, Rebuild
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