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Heritage Park’s Catalystic Strategies Based On Space Syntax

Posted on:2016-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L N g u y e n H o a n g Full Text:PDF
GTID:2272330503477320Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After being accepted as a world heritage, the site of great canal reiceived attention of people, conservational plans for canal site have become the focus of local governments. However, in some cities, the canal ruin goes through the center of city or the core area of urban construction causes conflicts between urban development and conservation. In recent years, many cities apply heritage park as a protective solution for the ruin, through a combination of ruin’s conservation and public park,effectively solves the issues that conservation brings to urban development. The heritage park itself has the potential of being an urban catalyst-a new element is implanted into the urban environment, affecting existing urban spatial structure and land use. Therefore, this paper focuses on how to use heritage park’ s planning as a catalyst in order to stimulate urban development and renovation of neighboring regions.This paper concenstrates on the heritage park’s planning in Suzhou, spatial syntax was used to analyse the impact of heritage park on the area’s spatial structure. According to the analysis, we improve the heritage park’s planning strategy based on understanding the park spatial structure itself and the relationship between the park and the city’s spatial.Firstly,through the study of heritage park theories and practical case studies of protection and utilization mode in heritage park, thesis describes the catalytic effect of the construction of heritage park to the city. Secondly, thesis introduced catalyst theory in urban design, and through a theoretical review, pointed out some problems of catalyst theory in pratical planning process.Thesis introduced space syntax in order to analyze urban space of DaoDong district, reach the result of the impact heritage park brings to urban original structure, also explored the characteristics and potential of space of heritage park itself. The article then proposed the "catalyst" type of heritage park’s planning strategy based on the results of space syntax analysis, tackle the issues of catalyst theory in pratical planning project. Finally, thesis introduced the detailed design of the DaoDong’s canal heritage park and surrounding key projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:heritage park, catalyst, space syntax
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