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Design Of Building Materials Unconventional Constructivism Perspective

Posted on:2017-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B J FuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the wave of development in contemporary architectural design, with new building materials, new construction techniques and new ways of realization, the gradual emergence of traditional architectural design with unconventional materials completely different architectural design innovative use of materials and construction methods. Such architectural design architectural design to break the traditional limitations of material selection and application of the inertia of thinking, the use of everyday or untried ways to use materials and architectural design through the appropriate construction methods. I try constructivist perspective, with emphasis on materials selection and construction of logic as a starting point the existing architectural design of unconventional materials are classified and summarized, combined with unconventional materials and architectural design practice their own participation, to explore more design strategies and methods, the future development of unconventional materials and architectural design of the proposed specific ideas and suggestions. The article expounds from five parts:The first part (Chapter 1) puts forward the research problem, and introduces the concept of construction of unconventional materials and associated scope, clear purpose and significance of this paper, the main research methods and content established on the basis of domestic and foreign research on frame.The second part (Chapter 2) the basic theory and the status quo of the construction and building materials cut, explores the history of the development of the concept and construction and related theory reference for the construction of vision architecture provides the foundation. The application status of supplies in the first definition of "normal" "unconventional" concept and thus contrast to conventional materials include architectural practice with the unconventional materials architectural practice, from both comparative summary gradually clear material herein unconventional architectural design cut into perspective and research point of research.The third part (Chapter 3) combing through existing unconventional materials architectural design achievement, trying to basic principles, the general pattern and build on the existing achievements in logic for classification and induction, to expand its lateral extent, explore existing unconventional materials building materials design results inherent logic and construction law, and focus on the construction of the field of view echoes cut perspective.The fourth part (Chapter 4) officially from the perspective of the construction materials and cut, detailing the author’s participation in "PVC pipe wall systems" Library Forums Design and architect Shigeru Ban designed "paper tube system," Waring Elementary School transitional school design to design and construction process instance to delve into the architectural design of unconventional materials construction logic, summarize the advantages of the two projects and direction can be improved. The fifth part (Chapter 5) Based on the foregoing and summarized, presented the author of unconventional materials for architectural design Thoughts and Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction Perspective, unconventional materials, PVC pipe wall systems, paper tube system
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