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The Research On Cost Control Of Construction Project

Posted on:2017-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330482495819Subject:Industrial engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All along, the construction industry, the steel industry and the automotive industry is listed as the three pillars of China’s economic development, the construction industry occupies a pivotal position in China’s economic development, it can directly or indirectly promote the development and impact of the plurality of upstream and downstream industries, in stimulating economic growth, creating jobs, etc. all have an important role. Therefore, the countries of the Cost of the construction industry has a profound understanding of many scholars for the problem of cost control proposed various theoretical approaches, in practice, the application of various theoretical approaches such cost control have a significant level of effect. The highlight of which is relatively mature and cost control theory is the dynamic theory, the cost of the construction industry in many countries are based on cost control problems of control theory. The article is based on domestic and international cost control theory, compared the advantages and disadvantages of each theory, and according to the various problems of domestic construction ubiquitous identify suitable theoretical approach, and for the existing problems in the construction works, given the appropriate corrective measures and recommendations. Study of Shenyang rising costs led to a construction company in the construction process to find out the problems and gives recommendations, through strict dynamic management and cost accounting norms can effectively control the cost of the construction process Finally, by way of example.In this paper, the construction project cost control problems, and combined with the literature to find out about the construction project cost control theory. After the completion of the theoretical study, this paper gives a concrete exposition of the cost control of the construction enterprises in the process of the development of the universal existence. In view of the construction project cost control improper behavior, this paper gives the corresponding suggestions and improvement measures. First, in the training and education of employees to strengthen the concept of cost control awareness, while the establishment of reward and punishment mechanism, and do a good job of management personnel to take the lead role, in order to improve personnel cost control awareness. Secondly for managers to improve the strategic vision, the enterprise should to bonuses, etc. to encourage management person to learn and re training, such as enterprise contributive let managers overseas exchanges, or managers have relevant certificates enterprises to give awards. Third is to establish a sound and reasonable cost control system, a clear distribution of responsibilities to the various departments, and in the form of a system to be described, to be severely punished for dereliction of duty. At the same time of construction and other aspects of the implementation of dynamic cost control, especially in the process of procurement management, contract management and project acceptance to give full attention and establish perfect supervision and approval process, regular checks of the link. Finally is to strengthen the projected costs of, clear cost concept, according to the project actual situation and the specific construction scheme, by adopting advanced management means and measures of technological progress to further reduce costs to determine the internal cost control index.The last examples of field survey of a building company, a company existing problems in construction project cost control, combined with the second chapter is the theoretical analysis and the elaboration is analyzed. According to a company specific problems and gives the advice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic management, Cost Control, Management System
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