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Preservation And Rehabilitation Of AZheKe And NiuLuoPu Traditional Villages In Yuan Yang World Heritage Area

Posted on:2016-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330470467848Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy, villagers living standard improved, but the management power is weak, the lack of professional, backward concept of protection, and the unordered constructions have brought conflict towards heritage protection, resulted in the destruction of the pattern of the traditional style and features, traditional village heritage is disappearing. The protection of village is not only the protection of dwelling, but also the natural environment and cultural environment, proposing specific measures for the protection and remediation.Through investigations in eighty two villages in Yuan yang world heritage area, researches, collecting natural conditions, history, social and economic situation, building remains, customs and culture and other information. According to the analysis of research, the problems of villages including the destruction of architecture; spatial form, texture, patterns of the road, sanitation, infrastructure, endangered nonmaterial cultural heritage and other issues.The protective planning of Yuan yang traditional village based on the study and analysis of the related theory of village protection, heritage protection, and traditional village protection planning case analysis. Study on village conservation planning, develop the protection planning guidelines and goals, the protected areas zoning, proposing specific measures for the protection and remediation.Through the results of the actual investigation design, design instruction and blueprint. Based on the previous analysis of theory and design method, applies to practical project, make what we studying real return to practice, to provide strong platform of authentication for a more complete theory. In addition to the protection planning, center about the present situation of the village, propose specific measures for the protection and remediation. Through understandable guidelines that can better help local government and villagers protecting villages.This thesis attempts to discuss the protection of World Heritage in Yuan yang area of traditional village, according to the research traditional villages protective planning in AZheKe and NiuLuoPu, proposing specific measures for the protection and remediation and methods of traditional village protection and renovation, in order to provide reference for the further planning of other traditional villages in Yuan yang world heritage area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuan yang, Traditional villages, Protection and remediation
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