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Research On The Influential Factors Of Commercial Network Planning Of The Longxi County

Posted on:2015-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467957162Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compared with developed countries, the development of the studying and regulating the designs of commercial network and centres in China are comparatively slowly, especially, the researchs on the counties’commerce. Accordingly, it is urgent to explore efficient methods to plan the commercial network and centres at countries’ level.According to the survey in the commercial development situation and the formation of commercial network and centres in the county, several factors are conducted that have influence on the arrangement of commercial network and centres in Longxi County, This article includes6chapters:Chapter1is an introduction that illustrates the study background, methodology and contents of this research; Chapter2mentions the relative theories and empirical researches about the development of commercial network and centres in China and other countries; Chapter3supposes several issues about economic development of county, including the externally environmental advantages of commercial development in Longxi County, economic development basis and the development situation and problems of current commercial network and centres; Chapter4aims to summarise and analyse the characteristics of commercial plan, and propose some choices about the patterns of commercial network and centres arrangement at county level; Chapter5discusses influencing factors at county level from the perspectives of qualitative and quantitative approaches, e.g. the relevant regulation about certain factors influencing the design of commercial network and centres, spatial structure, consumption requirements, population, transportation industry etc.; finally, there is an summary in terms of research results of this study in Chapter6.
Keywords/Search Tags:Longxi county, Commercial network planning, Influential factors, Research
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