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Research Of The ADS-B Surveillance Theory Based On PBN Operation

Posted on:2015-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467953922Subject:Carrier Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Performance Based Navigation (PBN) which is International Civil AviationOrganization (ICAO) recommend as the main operation mode in future, and that theAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is the main surveillance meandetermined by Communication Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management(CNS/ATM). It has great significant for improving the level of flight safety andoperational efficiency. This paper mainly research the aircraft conflict detection andresolution algorithm and route safety separation based on ADS-B surveillance underPBN operation.Literature survey method was applied to analyze and research domestic and foreignrelative technical date on PBN operation and ADS-B in this paper, analyzed therequirements of PBN operation and researched the technical features and performanceof ADS-B. Based on selected ellipsoid protection area model, proposed aircraft conflictdetection and resolution algorithm, then, entered into a simulation analysis which takesuse of MATLAB in this paper, the simulation results proved the feasibility of thealgorithm. This paper made use of the fact flight ADS-B surveillance date andMATLAB and SPSS to analyze the distribution regularity of aircraft’s position errors,mathematical approach and quantitative approach method were applied to the analysis,the analysis results proved the aircraft’s position errors distribution regularity inaccordance with Gaussian distribution. This paper made use of Close ApproachProbability (CAP) model to evaluate the safety of5mile horizontal separation underADS-B surveillance based on the aircraft’s position errors distribution regularity, theevaluation result proved the aircraft collision probability was8.2525×10-15based on5mile horizontal separation under ADS-B surveillance service, this probability far lessthan2×10-12which ICAO identified as the safety collision probability, that’s mean5mile horizontal separation under ADS-B surveillance is safety.
Keywords/Search Tags:PBN, ADS-B, Conflict Detection and Resolution, Separation
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