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The Management Research On Sanlengshari Wind Power Proiect Design

Posted on:2016-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467497631Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thanks to thereform and opening-up policy,China’s manufacturing industry has been greatlydevelopedsincethe eighties.China has become the “world factory” and contributes more than20percent of globalmanufacturing output. As the largest country in energy demand, Chinaurgently needs big amount of sustainableenergy. As the fastest-growing and relatively mature industry among numerous new energies, wind power is playinga more and more important role in China’s energy industry. The Chinese government shows great enthusiasm andresources in the investment of wind power. According to the statistics of Chinese Wind Energy Association, theaccumulated installed capacity of Chinese wind power by the end of2013had reached91,412.89MW, registering ayear-on-year increase of21.4%. The newly-increased and the total installed capacity ranked No.1in the world.Though China has become a major country with wind power, this does not indicate that China has entered the list ofwind powerhouses. Against the backdrop of rapidly-increasing wind power scale, many enterprises expand blindly,seizing resources and building wind sites everywhere, thus resulting in periodical and regional excess productioncapacity. More and more competitive wind sites are wasted due to wind abandonment and electricity brownouts.Many projects are faced with the dilemma of huge investment, low profits and even losses.The dilemma facing Chinese wind power industry is rooted in the rough design and the low design quality inthe early period. As a result, many wind power projects are doomed to reap low operation earnings. At present, therehas not been a set of recognized wind power design standards. Since the wind power projects of the design institutesare quite small, it is hard for them to provide quality resources. The lack of professional designers and theinsufficient emphasis on wind power design lead to shortage of wind power designers. In the design process, thereare problems including the lack of design depth, the failure to combine design projects with the reality, and theinadequate applications of new techniques. The causes of these problems include inadequate attention to designers’qualities, lack of emphasis on the feed forward control and excessive stress of design feasibility but neglect of theeconomic concerns. It is imperative for China’s wind power industry to improve its management expertise duringthe design periods.This paper adopts the design period management of Sanlingsan Wind Power Project as the research object atan attempt to findout the typical problems during the design period, analyze and provide suggestions for theimprovement of the project’s overall design level through systematic management methods. During the managementprocess, a fractional analysis is conducted of the mutually influenced three focuses (wind machine model selectionand site selection, current collection circuit and basic design of the wind machine) during the design process throughthe parallel management methods to achieve parallel optimization, analyze the typical problems, provide solutions,save design time and improve the economic benefits.In the original design,wind machine model selection only from the longitudinal aspect of differentmanufacturers of equipment to do optimization,the lack of the same type of different parameters of the comparisonanalysis.According to the design depth of the weak, to supplement the longitudinal comparison of different lengthblade and hub height, thus a more optimized models selected.In the design of the collector circuit, the original program without considering the site terrain and cost, only divide each line directly on the map,the ideal design.Inthis research, from two aspects, the tower line route scheme optimization, greatly saving the cost of project. Finallypointed out the shortcomings of the original foundation of wind machine is designed according to the old extendedbasic form, demonstrates the feasibility and economy of using the new foundation, and recommend the use of shelltype foundation form. Through the above analysis and optimization,the project’s theoretical annual on-grid energyreaches130,416GW.h, the number of the equivalent full load electricity generation reaches2,694h, the generatingcapacity is increased by19.26%compared with that of the original design and the number of equivalent full loadelectricitygeneration is increased by416h. The optimization saves a static investment of73.08million yuan in termsof the above three project parts. It can be seen that to increase input, avoid typical errors and improve the designlevel can greatly increase the yield rate of wind power projects, and are of vital importance to the sustainabledevelopment of the wind power industry. Thus, it can be seen that to enhance management, avoid typical problemsand improve design level during the design periods can greatly improve the project’s yield and are of vitalsignificance to the sustainable development of the wind field industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:wind power, design management, design analysis, design optimization
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