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The Research On Du Shunbao An Expert Of Landscapearchitecture In Jiang Su

Posted on:2014-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467454587Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Du Shunbao(1938—)is a famous master of landscape architecture in modern China, heis the academic leader and one of the founders of the landscape specialty of SoutheastUniversity. Over the years, he has been devoted himself to the field of landscape planning andscenic spots designing and historical building restoration. Therefore, he has gained fruitfulachievements and won social identities.Du Shunbao grew up under the influence of Chinesetraditional culture, but he also learned knowledge from western culture. So no matter dealingwith the planning of the scenic area, the reconstruction of the historic building or the design ofmodern building, he can always accomplish perfectly. His works are a blend of traditional andmodern spirit. In such a cultural context, how did he find a distinct path in the various andcomplex chaos, and pursuing perfection?As is known to all that philosophy originates fromlife, so what kind of living environment and upbringing generated Du Shunbao? This paper iswritten with the emphasis on Du’s family background, living environment, interest andpersistence of painting so as to make it easy to understand Du’s architectural educational anddesign concepts.This article is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction, whichincludes the origin, current situation, research contents, research background, researchpurpose, research significance, research methods and research framework of the thesis. Thesecond chapter shows us the influence of family and education during Du’s early times,itincludes his family background, living environment, early education, and transition of hisfamily, from which we can find his source of the formation of his architectural thoughts. Thethird chapter tells us the progress of Du’s architectural design. Since admitted to NanjingInstitute Of Technology, he spent5years studying under the architectural education system.After graduation, he joined Chinese Architectural Research Lab, and was influenced by MrLiu Dunzhen. With the ending of the cultural revolution, he achieved his master’s degree andlearned form professor Pan Guxi. During that period,he reset his research direction, expandedthe discipline of landscape design, and had his visit to America which helped him blendChinese and western culture. The fourth chapter mainly displays Du’s significant contributionto architectural education during his more than50years’ career from three aspects: His contribution to the teaching at Nanjing Institute Of Technology (it was named SoutheastUniversity later), setting up landscape architecture specialty, and establishing the Institute OfUrban Planning And Design of Southeast University. The fifth chapter tells us Du’ sarchitectural practices, form the perspective of ‘Two views’and ‘Three aspects’with emphasison the main representative works of Du, this chapter help us understand his architecturaldesign ideas and concepts deeply.‘Two views’refers to ‘creation’and ‘practice’,‘creation’isthe wisdom, it is the source of innovation,‘practice’ is the method, it is the way to make theidea come true.‘Three aspects’ refers to the planing of the scenic area, the reconstruction ofthe historical buildings and the design of the modern buildings. The sixth chapter tells usDu’s academic thoughts, focusing on his education ideas and the architectural designconcepts, as well as his life goal and pursuit——Harmony in diversity, beauty in perfection’.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dushunbao, Landscape architecture, Architecture education, Designphilosophy
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