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A Study On The Protection And Utilization Of The Huiguan Architecture In Ankang Area

Posted on:2016-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to the commodity economy development and prosperity in Ankang in Ming-Qing Dynasty,and the frequent immigration activities encouraged by the government of Qing Dynasty, the constructions of Huiguan increased tremendously. Huiguans were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties,when the economy in Ankang was most flourishing.The Huiguan played several significant roles in that period such as:bonding the relationships of different communities,protecting themselves.safeguarding their own interests and integrating of the economic order etc.As a representative of history and culture in Ankang area,the establishment and development of Huiguan also could speed up the pace of the city development, maintain the social stability and promote economic growth.Moreover, Huiguan had a great influence on the architecture, economy, population and region culture of modern Ankang aera. The management of Huiguan could break the original practical function and local limitations of Huiguan,and become the cultural heritage which will be shared by the public, furthermore it have played an essential role in heritage preservation, inheritance and regional social development.The author started from the cultural heritage preservation angle, combined literature review and field investigations, analysis the distribution,layout and functions of the Huiguan’s architecture, interpret the values of Huiguan in Ankang area. The author also pointed out the preservation elements of the architecture, analyzed the issues exist in the preservation of the architecture.Additionally, the most problematic issue is adopted what ways to explore the values. In order to achieve the socialized and diversified preservation of the Huiguan architecture,the effective management should be enhanced by the manager,as well as promoting the restoration of the architecture and renovating the surrounding settings.Finally, how to maximize the values of Huiguan’s architecture,the author came up with that start with the function which the buildings used to have during Ming and Qing dynasties, combined with its strategic position in the current regional development, to achieve that redevelop partial functions of the old buildings. Combined the urban development of Ankang, the construction of the Han River economic and historical and cultural construction Hanjiang River Basin,and other culture heritage resources in the region, to build the Huiguan culture brand,fulfill the maintenance of the function and restoration, the exploration of the values and finally achieve the purpose of inheritance and sharing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ankang area, Huiguan Architecture, Protection and Utilization
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