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Humanized Design Of Non-functional Spaces In Public Buildings

Posted on:2016-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D GeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the influence that functionalism is the core of design thinking, architecture design falls into a rigid mechanical cycle.Our thinkings immerse in arranging the distribution of functions. Whether the functional assignment books can really meet the needs of users in the buildings, the answer is doubtful. Under the influence of the philosophy of humanism, humanized thinking started to emerge.Environmental psychology, environmental behavior theory and communication space theories impel us to rethink humans’ needs who really are the owners of the spaces. As the non-functional space theory appears, the proposition of relationships between function and spaces steer to behaviors and spaces. “Form follows nonfunctional spaces” clues have surfaced. Under the background of increasingly diver cultures and theories of architectures, non-functional spaces will give architecture form a more freer and more viable space-like state. This paper discussed the concept of non-functional spaces and made humanized design strategies under environmental psychology of architecture and communication space theories.I developed humanized design strategy and studied every little item of non-functional spaces. Finally,I proposed the concept of non-functional space system.On the basis of this conception,we strive to draw everyone’s attention to non-functional design thinking,in order to get more humanized architecture designs.
Keywords/Search Tags:non-functional spaces, system, humanization
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