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West Sichuan Plain Old Town Traditional Houses Clmatic Suitability Study

Posted on:2016-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L MinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330461470393Subject:Construction of Technological Sciences
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of modern science and technology, people use the mechanical equipment as the main way to create the comfortable indoor environment with the energy consumption. The resulting of environmental issues and resource scarcity. Not only make people feel a sense of belonging is missing, but also the loss of communication with the natural attributes. China’s vast territory, has a long history, after thousands of years of precipitation, in adapting to different natural geographical and climatic environment in the process is to accumulate a wealth of experience and methods in the survival of the fittest with nature created a very unique traditional houses around. This paper attempts to adapt to climate refining ecological design methods from traditional residential building in the West Sichuan Plain, hoping to be applied to the design of modern residential environment. Based on this concept, the ancient town of traditional houses in the West Sichuan Plain for the study, summarizes the climate conditions in western Sichuan plains. To focus on the Chongzhou Jiezi ancient town as the research object, through analysis of its location, layout, materials and structural features, in order to explore the West Sichuan Plain climate adaptive design methods.In this paper, the questionnaire analysis, measurements and software simulation approach to the West Sichuan Plain traditional town-Chongzhou Jiezi ancient town as the main object of study, was carried out field research, questionnaires collected, field testing, and software simulation analysis to study and summarize the measures of creating a comfortable climate in Jiezi ancient town. The main contents of this paper are as follows:Chapter 1 describes the background and purpose of writing this article, which leads to the importance of adapting to the climate of the traditional houses. According to information in Chapter 2 outlines the relationship between climate and architecture, summarizes and analyzes the West Sichuan Plain hot and rainy in summer, winter, cold damp climate characteristics. Chapter 3, for the comfort of the town’s overall environment, the author of the way through the questionnaire survey, the data collected after use spss software for evaluation and analysis. Chapter 4 Chongzhou Jiezi ancient town through the winter and summer field tests have been related to physical indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity, solar radiation and other environmental data; data analyzed using simulation software houses were Ecotect sunshine environment, and were measured Comparative analysis. Chapter 5, after a comprehensive analysis of relevant data collected, the binding of field research, to extract the traditional houses of Jiezi ancient town in climate adaptation about the advantages and limitations, and to make recommendations and measures. In recyclable natural resources are also proposed for the local climate and environment applications. So that in the future, the traditional ancient town in western Sichuan plains localization climate suitability proposed building renovation better development advice.In this paper, take the climate characteristics of West Sichuan Plain into account, binding the questionnaire-based research and a lot of measured data, analyzes and summarizes the Chongzhou Jiezi ancient town in climate adaptation measures. Environmental issues and energy consumption get more and more attention by now, traditional building in adaptation to climate technology is worth in today’s architectural design study, learn and use.
Keywords/Search Tags:Climate adalptation, Chuanxi Plain, Traditional houses
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