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Wang Shizhen’s Yanshan Garden In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the “Yanshan Gardening literature” by Wang Shizhen, this paperstudies the most famous garden of Jiangnan in the late Ming dynasty.According to the spatial information provide by “Gardening literature”,we rebuilt the garden scenes. It is a creative copy. Intended to enable thespaces that we reconstructed matches the text most closely, making visitorshave the same feelings of the description.The research has four aspects: background information, plan reconstruct,space system, and space unit.·Background Information: Textual research of Wang Shizhen and hisYanshan Garden.Master’s experience and preference help us to rebuildgardens by complementing the hidden aesthetic psychology. Documents andimages are the more objective spatial information.·Plan Reconstruct: It has three stages, sort out data, disassemble andreconstruction. Sort out data: Through the literature and images, extractedspatial information effectively. Disassemble: the overall structure, space unit,and ingredient. Reconstruction: the main view orientation, elements layout,path connection, plant configuration, and speculate supplement.·Space System: the analysis of new plan is carried out in four aspects,creating mountains, digging ponds, planting and connecting path. Study thecharacteristics, type, shape, layout, artistic conception and activities of YanshanGarden.·Space Unit: Narrow scope of the study to the scene space, discussing thecomposition, organization and effectiveness.The main content of this article focused on the reconstruction of thegarden space, space systems-level analysis and scene unit conception.Drawing plane from the text garden to the image one is completed. SpaceSystem analyzes the hierarchy of reconstructed garden. Scene Unit researches the impression and Artistic Conception.The study of reconstruction landscape in Yanshan Garden is meaningful.It improves the exterior space of contemporary building. First, the MingDynasty is the mature stage of garden history. Yanshan Garden has receivedhigh marks in the late Ming. Secondly, the owner has a profound literaryattainments and good tastes of appreciate.“Yanshan Gardening literature”wrote his own garden, description of spatial information is authoritative. Third,Yanshan is a large private garden, it open to public after the completion. Itcan provide reference to the design of public space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Shizhen, Yanshan Garden, Plan reconstruction, Spacesystem
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