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Aviation Production Base Of Architectural Creation

Posted on:2015-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YaoFull Text:PDF
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Along with the development of our country economy, people’s travel style has alsochanged, more and more people choose to travel by air, air quantity increases rapidly, sothe industry growing, the airline’s strength is also growing, the development of aviationindustry will inevitably cause the related construction demand increase, a new kind ofbuilding type, the airline operations base construction is increasingly developing,"twelfth five-year" is put forward to strengthen aviation infrastructure construction,promote the development of the aviation industry. Because our country airlineoperations base of the development of the time compared to some developed countriesis not long, and too rapid development momentum, unavoidably appear all sorts ofproblems. For example, in planning orientation, development mode, and there are manyaspects, such as planning and design problems.This article from the perspective of architecture speciality, the airline operationsbase architecture design problems, analysis and put forward their own opinions. Thisarticle is divided into four parts, the first part is introduction, mainly explains thebackground, purpose and significance of research on this topic, and the research statusat home and abroad. The second part is the second chapter, the main concept of airlineoperations base do a definition, and then from the aspects of function, form, space andstreamline analysis airline operations base design, through the analysis of thecharacteristics of production operations base extracting airlines, based on this, advancesthe airline operations base design factors, and introduce advanced theory is introducedin this paper. The third part is the body part, the third chapter according to thecharacteristics of the airlines operating production base, respectively, from a functionalorganization, space design, traffic flow organization, form design and sustainableconstruction mode and so on airline operations base architectural design method is put forward, through the analysis of the function of airline operations base composition,according to their respective functional requirement for function layout. And putforward the principles and methods of function layout, respectively from the outer space,interior space, and internal flow intermediary space three aspects, internal work flow,logistics, warehousing streamline expounds respectively, aiming at analyzing the typicalspace types, extract some design method. According to chapter3design methods ofrefining, the fourth chapter from the airline operations base building design principles.The fifth chapter puts forward the design principles of are used to guide the authorpersonally involved in two projects, west airlines co., ltd. production base and wuhanairlines production operating base building design. The fourth part is the author,according to the actual engineering design of the creation of airline operations basedevelopment forward. The fifth part is the conclusion part, summarized this article’spoint of view.Based on airline operations base as the research object, drawing on the successfulexperience of domestic and international and mature theory, comprehensive, on thereasonable arrangement for functionality, create comfortable and attractive space andenvironment put forward their own point of view, in order to airline operations base inour country has certain guiding significance to the design and construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aviation, Production Operating Base, Architectural Creation, ArchitecturalDesign, The Airline Operations Base
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