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Research On Damage Effects Of Reactive Material Liner Shaped Charge Aganist Airport Runway

Posted on:2016-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452965149Subject:Ordnance Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reactive matetial shaped charge liner and its application techniques in ammunitionwarheads is hotspots and research frontiers in the field of high efficient damage technology.Due to incorporating the defeat mechanisms of both penetrate energy and chemical energy,a more severe structural damage or ever catastrophic damage to targets is obtained byreactive matetial shaped charge, which is different from traditional metal liner shapedcharge. And the warheads is getting heavier.This master dissertation pays attention to the research of the detonation effect ofreactive material shaped charge warhead anti the airport runway by the method ofnumerical simulation and experiment. According to the structural characteristics of typicalmilitary airport runway target, the technical method of blockading airport runway and theblockades discriminant method analyzed. Using pulsed X light photography method, westudied the reactive material shaped jet forming characteristics. And the damageenhancement effects of reactive material shaped charge jet against concrete target wereproved by through experiments. The influences of cone angle and thickness of reactiveliners, the charge’s ratio of length to diameter and the blasting height on the damage effectswas obtained by AUTODYN-2D numerical simulation. According to the traditional airportrunway multilayer medium target, the damage analysis model of reactive material shapedcharged jet was established, and the influence of the mass of reactive liner and penetrationdepth on damage area was alos obtained. After analyzing the effective damage aera ofconcrete and the throwing blasting energy, the structure parameters of reactive materialshaped charge liners. This paper should be a useful guide to the structure and power ofreactive material shaped charge warhead design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reactive material liners, Shaped charge, Ariport runway, Damage effects, Damage assessment
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