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Analysis About Anapproach To "Polyvalence" And Works Of Herman Hertzberger

Posted on:2015-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F NieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452468299Subject:Architectural History and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis focuses on introducing and analysising works and “Polyvalence”——the key architectural theory of Herman Hertzberger, one of the greatest Structuralismarchitects in Dutch. Hertzberger’s thoughts had influenced by the ideologies ofStructuralism in the last century, and applied the "Competence" and "Performance”,which are the concepts in Linguistics to architectural areas, combined with the influenceof the traditional ideology and culture in Holland, so that he has built a unique theory indesign.“Polyvalence” design theory is one of the essences, and the theory representsHertzberger’s requirements on space design. The main thought of “Polyvalence” designtheory is that, with an interpretative inclusive structure to motivate and accommodatethe space-time diversity. In addition,“Polyvalence” design theory also reflects theHertzberger’s attention from the research building itself extended to the user’s behaviorand activities. Hertzberger has in-depth and thorough research on sociologicalideology, especially about collective social activities and Egalitarianism. Through studyof “Polyvalence” design theory of Hertzberger, this thesis proposed examples andreference for our country’s building activities, especially provide another modes ofthinking and design for architects.This thesis is divided into six chapters, three major parts. The first part (Chapter1)described the proposed topic, research purpose and meaning, the status and methods ofthe study. The second part (Chapter2to5), the dissertation starts with introducing theprocess of Hertzberger’s architectural creation and presenting Polyvalence’ origin,definition and discriminating some other concepts confusingly. Then explore the factorsinfluencing Hertzberger’s “Polyvalence” design theory, and thus to thinking andanalyzing the performance of “Polyvalence” in different ways. Following, takingHertzberger’s main buildings cases, which is departed into two periods. The final part (Chapter6) is the dissertation discusses major features of “Polyvalence”architectures by reading the cases in detail. And finally, it summaries “Polyvalence”singularity and reveals its illumination on contemporary architects...
Keywords/Search Tags:“Polyvalence”, Herman Hertzberger, Space
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