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Investigation Research On The Tranquil Rest Sites Of Urban Comprehensive Parks In Shanghai

Posted on:2015-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Urban comprehensive parks are the most representative and universalpublic recreation space in the city. Tranquil rest sites in comprehensiveparks provide the static leisure space for the people who live in thedowntown with complicated work. Currently, there is no specifictheoretical and methodological system on the study of tranquil rest sites.Using social survey theory and method, site surveys were conductedon61tranquil rest sites in12urban comprehensive parks in Shanghai basedon the concept of tranquil rest sites, and the characteristics in quantity,scale, interface elements, boundary shape, and internal structure of thosesites were analyzed. Also, in combination with people’s psychologicalneeds and behavior patterns, a systematic and in-depth research on thetheory and method of space quality evaluation was conducted, resulting inthe construction of the space quality evaluation theory framework oftranquil rest sites. In addition, the rank and the comprehensive index ofspace quality of61tranquil rest sites in comprehensive parks in Shanghaiwere evaluated, and the correlation among spatial quality, space types andboundary shapes was analyzed. Also, the strength and weakness of the61sites were summed up.Based on the above investigation and according to the aspect of spacesurrounding, effective immunity and artistic aspects of space, it was suggested how to create a tranquil rest site with high quality. The studycould be a good complement to the research on static recreation space, andcould provide a reference for the space design and transformation oftranquil rest sites. The results are as follows:Analysis of the quantity and scale demonstrated that the area of alltranquil rest sites in each park was below2%, and often located inbeautiful landscapes such as forests, over the boundaries of water andparks, etc. Data also showed that tranquil rest sites consisted of3interfacetypes: water, roads or venue, and plants, and four main boundary forms:pocket type, concave type, wrap-around type, and strip type. The interfacecombination of different space types and the common plant configurationmode were summarized in consideration of the current status of the sites.In terms of the internal composition, the characteristics of rest facilities,paving, plants, and landscape sketch were analyzed.The space quality evaluation theory and method system of tranquilrest site were established with the privacy, comfort, and beauty. Datarevealed that there were8sites of level I,30sites of level II,22sites oflevel III and1site of level IV. It was found that pocket type andwrap-around type displayed a higher privacy level, while concave type andstrip type showed a better beauty level. There was an inverse relationshipbetween the space quality and the degree of opening and closing of space.It was also found that the comprehensive quality index of tranquil rest sitesin Shanghai was3.9902, level III. In summary, the main space qualityconstraints came from unreasonable enclosure degree, weak spaceimmunity and low beauty degree of internal elements. The following optimization strategies proposed: Reasonable enclosuredegree was set based on the different interface types and the conditions ofexternal environment. The immunity was improved by rationally choosingthe combination of boundary element, enriching the border shape,serializing interior space, and furnishing rest facilities based on humanneeds. The artistry of the internal elements was deepened by themed andrefined pavement, art up rest facilities, and improved perception of plants.The main innovation points of this thesis are the followings:1) Withthe research theory of sociology, the research object was screened, theresearch content determined, and the data were collected from site survey.2) the space quality of tranquil rest sites in comprehensive parks inShanghai was studied systematically in the aspects of the privacy, comfortand beauty, by using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Composite IndexAnalysis.Since this study focused on the tranquil rest sites in comprehensiveparks of downtown in Shanghai, it has certain geographical limitations.Secondly, as this paper focused on physical space venue, and did notinvolve the investigation of behavior and psychology, the conclusionscould have some bias. Therefore, the study of related fields remains to becomplemented and deepened in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Comprehensive Park, tranquil rest site, investigation research, evaluation, Shanghai
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