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Research On Dwelling For The Elderly In France

Posted on:2015-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:HongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452459215Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The earth is getting old, when we step into the agedness, wegradually lost our autonomous ability, we about to be dependent, and thenwe have to keep us alive with the medical procedures, we have to beenthrough all of these, a process of getting old, a certain stage of the projectof life.As the first one who stepped into the aging society, the developmentof dwelling architectures for the elderly in France have been through60years, and now formed a system relatively impeccable. As the countryenjoys the best social welfare in west Europe, the French governmentprovides perfect social safety nets to insure the living condition of theelderly. Moreover, the different kinds of residences of precise divisionsprovide a lot of choices for the old people. Including the generalresidences, residences aged with services, residences aged with medicalcares.Within these three main kinds of residences, the general residencesconclude the private houses and a few social houses, the residences agedwith services conclude the “logements-foyers”,“residences services” and“Marpa”; Residences aged with medical cares are mainly conclude the“Ehpad” and nursing homes for the aged of medium or long-term andspecial nursing homes for the mentally disabled elderly.The development of the dwelling for elderly in France focuses onthe dependent aged people who were regarded as the most importantfactor of the aged society. Policy cooperate with management, theviewpoint of elderly support is echoed by the concept of architecturedesign, gradually improve the social pension system. Purport of thisarticle is based on the social context and national policy, learn from thehistory, study on the typology of the resent method of pension and lookforwards, in order to conclude what we can learn and borrow from itsachievements.Ranging from government policy to social function, from scientifictechnology to architecture design, the development of dwelling for the Elderly in France provide us precious experience, but we should studyinto it based on base upon the situation of our country and make rightdecisions, which would lead to positive impact upon the development ofdwelling for the elderly in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:France, Aging, Policy of Pension, Patterns of Dwelling for theElderly
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