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The Research On Industrial Design And Systems Engineering

Posted on:2015-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452450699Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marine systems engineering is a strategic industry combining military and ourpeople which is closely concerned with the development of national economy andnational security. With the fast development of modern shipbuilding industry andrapid improvement of people’s living standard, people’s requirements of shipproducts climb to a higher level. The ship products focusing only on function are nolonger welcomed among the public.Meanwhile, great emphasis is put on the aestheticand emotional demand of ship products. Compared to those countries which are stongin ship building such as Japan and Korea, the international competitiveness ofChinese shipbuilding enterprise needs to be improved and added value of domesticship products is relatively low. Therefore, our top concern is to improve the addedvalue of domestic ship products as well as the international competitiveness ofChinese shipbuilding enterprise.The research approach in the thesis include literature research, observation aswell as multi-disciplinary research and so on. The thesis is divides into six parts. Thefirst part is about introduction which elaborates the background, objective andsignificance of the research as well as the creative points.The second part focuses onthe overview of shipbuilding industry. Through the analysis of the current situation ofshipbuilding industry, the author arrives at the conclusion that the internationalcompetitiveness of Chinese shipbuilding enterprise and also analyses the basicdemand and development trend of modern design on ship appearance. The third partleads a intensive study about the correlation between industrial design and marinesystem engineer. Industrial design can greatly improve the identity,transmissioncharacter,artistic quality,embodiment and economic efficiency of shipping product.The fourth part deals with the relation between industrial design and other factorsin marine system engineer. An interactional and collaborative relation lies inindustrial design and the function,shaped conductor, general layoutdesign,material,color and manufacturing factors. The fifth part is about the designpractice of the thesis which proves that industrial design can improve the added valueof shipping product.The last part is the summary which sums up the relation between industrial design and different aspects of marine system engineer and put forwardsuggestions on how to improve the international competitiveness of Chinese shippingenterprise and the added value of domestic ship products through industrial design.The outstanding innovation point of the thesis lies on the exposition of the factthat industrial design plays an important role in marine system engineer which is aindispensable part in marine system engineer. The author calls on our country toemphasize on industrial design and make the most advantage of it in marine systemengineer.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrial design, shipping engineer, aesthetic quality, embodiment, economic efficiency
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