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The Vigor Construction Policy Of City Street Based On Public Behavior Survey

Posted on:2015-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MiFull Text:PDF
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Abstract:City streets constituted the basic skeleton of the city, it provides a place for people of all kinds of outdoor activities, people on the streets exchanges, shopping, leisure, they formed a vibrant streets of various acts, and the vitality of the city streets energy has a huge impact. In the background of rapid economic development in the city, a variety of large-scale urban construction brings disorder to make streets lost vitality. As the most important part of urban public space, how to create a vibrant city streets has become increasingly important.The first chapter introduces the concepts and vibrant streets, and studies conducted to clarify the idea of the article. The second chapter describes the relevant research and theories about the streets at home and abroad, for the study of this paper provides a theoretical basis. The first two chapters part of the thesis of the problem.The third chapter is the status of the vitality of the city streets to conduct research, this chapter uses the body from the street-the actual needs of people starting to downtown Changsha as the scope of investigation, focusing on the four selected to live dominated area, these four Area street vitality conduct research, and public life behavior is analyzed in contrast to the four Area neighborhood vitality.The fourth chapter previous chapter basic research, analyzes dynamic elements constitute the city streets, the streets are the result of dynamic, interactive main street and the main street between the physical environment, positive interaction requires a good street environment These two chapters are part of the analysis of the problem of the paper.The fifth chapter on the basis of the analysis of the previous chapters proposed strategy to create a vibrant street, that by improving the physical environment of the streets to support the activities of people on the street, through the interaction between the two come together to create a vibrant street. This chapter is part of the paper to solve the problemUse body diversity, the complexity of the behavior characteristics of street street has decided the significance of this study, our aim is to create a dynamic, contains a wealth of life on city streets...
Keywords/Search Tags:public behavior, The city streets, Vitality, strategy
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