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Bridge Structure Visualization Study Based On VTK

Posted on:2015-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330431983749Subject:Architecture and civil engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of modern bridge technology relies on the development ofcomputer technology which enables large-scale computing in short time. In bridgerelated computing theory and method, many open source software have been producedand shared by researchers. Compared with commercial software, these open sourcesoftware have readable computing method, which facilitates the research. Whiledespite their fine computing results, these software do not have visible displayinterface, which makes the input and output quite difficult. To explore the role of VTK,the highly efficient development tool, in displaying bridge structure, can do someprimary work for future visualization of computing software.The finite element computer software can achieve massive data process withaccumulation of time, but the human analysis can only start with the direct result of thesimulation. With the advancing computer technology, there is a growing demand forquality of visualization, as the computer technology provides support for such demand.This is why we focus on VTK. VTK rises with the decline of its predecessor and it hashigher integration level which helps it adapt to fast development. Its outstandingstream processing ability and higher integration level enables it to accommodatemassive data real-time rendering. VTK has been greatly developed overseas and alsobeen supported by some institutions. In China, researches and application of it in fieldslike medicine, geography information, and machinery have been done, which hasdemonstrated its advantages. However, functions if VTK has not been fully explored.Limits can be seen in domestic researches that have been frustrated by the lack ofteaching materials, narrow areas of application, insufficient commercialization. Stillthe power of VTK cannot be denied.Through integrating the displaying window into the framework of MFC andaccomplishing GUI input and output for VTK simulation parameter with MFC as theplatform, choosing VTK data structure that is appropriate for displaying bridgestructure to construct bridge displaying element, realizing model input in the way ofinterfacing, starfield display of multiple bridge unit section and model file input andoutput based on certain data rules were accomplished. Based on structure class libraryof VTK, program structure was established for bridge model construction flow, whichhas made a preliminary exploration for future bridge model building and model processing.
Keywords/Search Tags:VTK, MFC, C++, Bridge structure, Three-Dimension Visualization
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