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Research On Form Evolution Of Mirrorless Interchangeable-lens Camera

Posted on:2015-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q YangFull Text:PDF
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MILC (Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera) is a new DC (digital camera)produced in recent years. Featured by interchangeable lens and fashionable appearance,it soon becomes the focus of DC consumer market. Thus, form design has been the keyto its innovative development. In this paper, product design of MILC at both home andabroad is analyzed and modern synthetic theory of evolution (from biology) isintroduced into design of MILC. Besides, evolvement rule of its form, along with thedevelopment tendency of the form design is studied, which will be beneficial to theexpansion of form design method relating to MILC, DC as well as other products.Furthermore, it will promote the innovation of design thought for MILC researched&developed automatically in China. Moreover, local products in China will thus bettersatisfy the demands of the world market, and China’s industrial design will be reallyturning to diversified development.In the paper, modern synthetic theory of evolution is proved to be stronger thanDarwinian evolution concerning the synthesis coordination ability, which makes it moreappropriate for other fields of study. Through the comparison of biological and productevolution, evolutionary mechanism for product is developed. Moreover, form design forMILC is studied on the basis of the four elements that affect product evolution, namelyproduct family, product gene, selection and isolate. It is introduced that product familyis the basic unit for evolution of MILC, and product form gene serves as themicrocosmic unit for form evolution of MILC. Besides, form gene of DC is classified,which is convenient for seeking and extracting typical form gene for MILC.Furthermore, with form features of several camera brands set as example, form geneinheritance as well as mutation operation is analyzed, which will benefit the settlementof complex problems during the design process and methodize the design procedure,thus realizing a series of design relating to the continuance as well as updating of thecamera form. In addition, condition factor, namely selection and isolate during the formevolution process of MILC is studied; diversified feature is given to selection due tocomplex “environment”, while selection makes product adaptable, thus determining theevolution direction for product form. In this paper, isolate during the product formdesign is also classified, and the connotation of cultural isolate and technical isolate,along with its influence to product form is described, thereby endowing isolate with time-effective and selective features. Through the analysis of selection and isolate as awhole, evolution form of MILC form is studied, which is of great importance to therealization of diversified and unified development for product form. Besides, it canconduct similar deduction for the evolution for other products. According to the processanalysis as well as the conclusion concerning the above MILC form evolution, thedesign method of product form evolution is summarized. That is, evolution design ofproduct form can be conducted through genetic categories, levels as well as ethnicgroups of certain product, which will benefit the subsequent product design as well asdevelopment of new products. Furthermore, industrial design method can be expanded,and theoretical research on product form design can be enriched.
Keywords/Search Tags:Product design, MILC(Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera), Evolution, Form evolution, Form design
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