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Theory Of The Construction With China’s En Vironmental Police System

Posted on:2017-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Construction in line with China’s actual environmental police system is the most ideal way to solve the environmental law enforcement in our country at this stage.China’s environmental problems and environmental law enforcement is weak, there are many reasons. Firstly, after the founding of new China for a long time, the development of industry, especially heavy industry, the Party and the government must give priority to it. Environmental protection must yield to the economic construction. Secondly, although China’s criminal law and China Public Order Management and Punishment Law have provided the environmental crime and the environmental violations punishable by criminal penalties and administrative penalties for public security. In practice the provisions of the specific procedures are lack of corporeality and stringency. It makes China’s environmental law enforcement and environmental police poor convergence. It can not play a combat role of criminal justice in the environmental crime and reduce the cost of environmental crimes. The essence of environmental police system is to put the police power to the strong state power as early as possible and to facilitate the intervention of environmental crime. Environmental problems are global, many countries and our country have set up environmental police agencies, and have achieved some positive results, and there are many problems. China has not yet established a national environmental police system, from the environmental law and crime prevention and control of the objective law of view, this is an inevitable choice.Environmental Police System is an organic whole. On the system design, we need to solve practical problems and to meet the actual needs of the starting point. On the basis of law, the most realistic and feasible approach is to add environmental police to the People’s Police Law. Because the two are homologous. They are not obtrusive. In mode selection, to establish a new professional police organization can insure the authority that the environmental police needed. At the same time, it will not increase the burden of government. In the relationship between environmental police andenvironmental protection administrative law enforcement, various regions put environmental police as counterparts in the administrative organs of environmental protection. It can also perfect the linkage mechanism of 110 and 12369, broaden the sources of clues to environmental protection cases. In the early stages of the investigation and case acceptance should be unified and coordinated on both sides.Reduce and avoid the trifles that the case has been sent and convergence procedures cumbersome.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental protection, Environmental police system, Construction
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