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A Comparative Study On The Quality Of Sub-provincial Cities In China

Posted on:2015-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428996470Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
City is the space suitable for human beings’ living, as well as a national andregional political, economic, cultural and scientific center. In the process of ourmodernization, city plays a dominant and indispensable role. With the advancement ofChina’s industrialization and urbanization strategy, China forms many large cities andbig cities, of which15sub-provincial cities as the representative, they distribute innortheast, east, and southwest, northwest and south of China. The cities mentionedabove are vital growth point and growth pole in regional economy development.In the process of urbanization, on the one hand, we focus on the scale-up andincrease in the number of cities; however, we should pay more attention to the qualityimprovement of city, namely, intensive and efficient utilization of resources,improving population quality and living standard, keeping society in order and so on.Researching the quality of15sub-provincial cities is beneficial to exploring China’surbanization model, summing up the experience in the process of urbanization;realizing the goal of urbanization strategy.The chapter in this paper are arranged as following: the first part is introduction,mainly introduces the research background, research purpose and significance,research methods, literature review and the article structure; The second part is therelated concepts and theory, mainly introduces the concept of city, urban system, thestatus and role of the city, and this paper presents the related theory, such as "growthpole" theory, sustainable development and the coordination theory, and the stage ofcities; The third part, we build quality evaluation index of urban development, sum upthe principle of index, which is constructed by the economic development, socialdevelopment and ecological environment quality. This paper introduces the evaluationmethod-principal component analysis method; The fourth part, we utilize socialstatistics software SPSS19to assess the quality of China’s deputy provincial city andlist the calculation results; The fifth section briefly summarized the factorsinfluencing the quality of urban development; The sixth part, in view of the problemsexisting in the development of deputy provincial city, we put forward thecorresponding countermeasures and suggestions.This article selects the15deputy provincial city from2003to201125indicatorsdata to construct the quality index system for urban development, use social statisticssoftware SPSS19to conduct principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Theanalysis results show that the "coastal" deputy-provincial cities development overallquality are higher than the inland "deputy provincial cities. From2003to2011, urbandevelopment quality of the top six deputy provincial cities are coastal or offshore,Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Qingdao, Dalian, Hangzhou and Ningbo are coastalcities; from2003to2011, six "inland" deputy provincial cities, there are four in thelast five, Changchun, Harbin, xi ‘an, Chengdu. From the economic development interms of quality,"inland" deputy provincial city investment benefit is low, high energyconsumption per unit output; in terms of social development quality, compared withcoastal cities, the level of basic public services, the science and education expenditure have larger gap; In terms of quality of ecological environment, Ningbo, Wuhan,Chengdu, Changchun, Harbin and xi ’an have deficiency in the urban environment.Meanwhile, this paper analyzes the factors influencing the quality of urbandevelopment: location and policy, industry structure, the scale of city.From a regional perspective, the "south" deputy provincial city developmentoverall quality is higher than the north, in2011, for example, urban development andquality in the top eight cities have six southern city, accounting for75%; Urbandevelopment quality ranking after seven cities, there are five northern cities,accounting for70%."North" deputy provincial city, only Qingdao, Dalian, Shenyangrank the front, respectively in the third, seventh, ninth, Jinan, Harbin, Changchun andxi ’an rank after10.At the same time, the paper analyzes the factors influencing the quality of urbandevelopment: location and policy, economic structure, city size, etc. In view of theproblems existing in the development of China’s deputy provincial cities, this paperput forward that deputy provincial cities ought to improve investment benefits andreduce the consumption of energy in terms of economic development; In the aspect ofsocial development, this paper put forward that deputy provincial cities ought toconsummate urban infrastructure, improve the level of basic public service; In termsof the ecological environment, this paper commends strengthen environmentalprotection, adjust the structure of energy consumption; On the city scale and urbanplanning, we put forward rational positioning urban functional partition, reasonablefor urban planning and keep the city modest scale.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sub-provincial cities, the quality of city, component analysis
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